LGBT in the world
Category: sociologysociology

LGBT in the world

1. LGBT in the world

2. Tasks and goals of the project:

To study the concept of
The attitude of Russian
peoples towards
homosexual people
The attitude of
Americans towards
Learn what the LGBT
and how do they
different from us
Why the lives of LGBT
people heavy?

3. What is LGBT?

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender and along
with heterosexual they describe
people's sexual orientation or
gender identity. These terms are
explained in more detail here. The
symbol of LGBT community is a
rainbow flag, commonly known as
the gay pride flag.

4. Who is the gay?

A gay man is one who is romantically, sexually and / or emotionally attracted to
men. The word gay can be used to refer generally to lesbian, gay and bisexual people
but many women prefer to be called lesbian. Most gay people do not like to be
referred to as homosexual because of the negative historical associations with the
word and because the word gay better reflects their identity.

5. What is Coming Out?

Coming Out is the term used by
lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) people to
describe their experience of
discovery, self-acceptance,
openness and honesty about their
LGBT identity and their decision to
disclose, i.e. to share this with
others when and how they choose.

6. Homophobia

Homophobia refers to fear of or
prejudice and discrimination
against lesbian, gay and bisexual
people. It is also the dislike of
same-sex attraction and love or the
hatred of people who have those
feelings. The term was first used in
the 1970s and is more associated
with ignorance, prejudice and
stereotyping than with the
physiological reactions usually
attributed to a 'phobia'. While
homophobic comments or attitudes
are often unintentional, they can
cause hurt and offence to lesbian,
gay and bisexual people.

7. The attitude of Russian people towards homosexuals people

Russia has traditionally
been socially conservative
on LGBT rights, with 2013
polls indicating a large
majority of Russians
oppose legal recognition
of same-sex marriage and
support laws
discriminating against
LGBT people. In 2013,
16% of Russians surveyed
said that gay people
should be isolated from
society, 22% said they
should be forced to
undergo treatment, and
5% said homosexuals
should be "liquidated".

8. The attitude of Americans towards LGBT

America is shifting to more liberal policies concerning controversial social issues. A survey by the
Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) shows that there is an increase in gay and lesbian
tolerance among all age and political group, religious sectors, and regions in the country. The last
decade saw the legalization of same-sex marriage by 17 states.


Identify your orientation is difficult. People go through many obstacles before being
determined. So, we must be tolerant towards LGBT people. And no matter what is sex
this person, because everyone has the right to love. Homosexuals are needed
support, not humiliation and insults. Gay can be everyone, so we must understand
that our attitude towards the LGBT community plays an important role.


Many actors, who we love, belong
to the homosexual community.
However, no one condemns, but
rather admire them. Since we
don't care about their orientation,
we like their talent. For example,
Zachary Quinto and Matt
In my opinion, all people are
equal, and the orientation plays
no role. We need to love and
respect all people.
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