My hobby
Fishing is the most fun and interesting to do!!! =)
Fishing with a float rod
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Category: pedagogypedagogy

My hobby - Fishing

1. My hobby

Fulfilled: student of group
TO-15 Kalinichenko Vadim

2. Fishing

Fishing is the activity of angling
for fish from a reservoir. Is
divided into Amateur and sports.
Unlike fishing, fishing is a hobby,
form of recreation, tourism and

3. Fishing is the most fun and interesting to do!!! =)


I enjoy float fishing and I love it. this is
the best option for fishing on rivers.

5. Fishing with a float rod

The rod length up to 7m. Requirement for it is: the
tip needs to be flexible with pre-attached
connector for attaching a fishing line.
Floats. The universal is a float round, teardrop
Need sinkers of different weights and shapes: olive,
pellets for shipping of floats of different weights
Fishing line, fishing float swing rod is perfect Ø
0.12 – 0.18 mm, can be supplied and Ø 0.2 is the limit
and with the use of a leash of smaller cross-section
Hooks fishing



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