
Illustration. Design


Look & Feel :
Colors & simple shapes


Illustration to be designed number 2:
- Message of illustration is that one person is confused, experiencing chaos etc and the
other person is helping to organize the chaos, bringing structure to the chaos
Below is an example of how I like it to look like,
however I prefer to have two heads only. No
bodies and no table in between. SEE NEXT


Image as I would like it to look like:
- Two heads, facing each other –
- Heads opening up (illustrated better in one of the pictures on the right than how
I draw it myself in this picture)
- Balloons coming out of the head
Examples of head shapes I would
- Colors same as images on the right hand side
like. I also want to use the same sort
- Preferably with blue/greenish background color.
of colors as below
- Size of the heads should be smaller than the balloons
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