
My family traditions connected with holidays


My family traditions
connected with holidays
подготовил ученик
Усенко Кирилл


Happy new year
All our friendly family gathers, father, mother, grandmother, brother and me .
We start preparing for the holiday in advance. To do this, choose the most
beautiful and fluffy Christmas tree. Decorate it together and be sure to hang
garlands.Mother and grandmother prepare different dishes for the new year's
table.After midnight we go out into the street and launch fireworks.


On this holiday my mother and I bake delicious
pancakes.Later, my brother and I walk, ride an snow slide
or go to the rink and skate.In the evening we watch the
carnival burn .


International Family Day
My beautiful family day began with presents. I gave
flowers to my mother. Then we went to the store and
bought gifts for the grandparent to congratulate them. In
the evening we all watched a fun family movie.


Thanks for attention
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