A family. The house of my family by student of group 5461 Kiselyova Elena checked by Popova E. V. Belovo 2017
Category: englishenglish

A family. The house of my family

1. A family. The house of my family by student of group 5461 Kiselyova Elena checked by Popova E. V. Belovo 2017

2. Family tree

and grandfather
and grandfather
Me, Kiselyova




Joint growth-the key to successful family!

5. My family is full. I have a mom, a dad and a brother. Grandparents live separately. My mother's name is Olga, she is 39 years

old. She has blue eyes, brown short hair. She
is pretty kind and compliant. Now my
mother is sitting at home with my little
brother. She likes to cook.
My dad's name is Alexei, he is 41 years old.
He has blue eyes and very short hair. He is
stubborn, but interesting as a person.
My brother's name is Andrew, he's less than
two years old. He has big blue eyes and a
sweet smile. He likes to eat and play toys.

6. I would like to talk about the house in which I live. It is located in a small town, Belovo. The house has two bedrooms, a

living room, a kitchen, a dining room. A
number of lush trees grow next to it. I
do not like living in a house, I'd rather
move to a flat.
I usually rest in my room, reading books
or sitting on the Internet. It distracts me
for a while from problems.

7. My family is quite friendly. We like to watch TV together in the evenings or sit over a cup of tea. I love my family, it's the


8. Information resources Russian-English dictionary

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