Standard Services
Additional services
Category: englishenglish


1. Hostel

Подготовили: Давыдова В.
Деньгина Г.
Егорова В.
Жумагалиева М.
Усольцев В.


Hostel - European accommodation system that provides budgetoriented, sociable where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk
bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge, and
sometimes a kitchen.


The first hostel was founded at the beginning of the XX
century, in 1909, in Germany.
One day a teacher named Richard Schirrmann decided at the
weekend to take his students out of town. The students were
from poor families, to spend the night somewhere for the
money it was not possible, so spend the night in local
schools. Gradually I formed the idea of ​inexpensive
accommodation for young people, which would work on an
ongoing basis. The first such hostel arranged the teacher at
the school where he worked. Schirrmann the evening with a
few students from the classes carried desks and chairs, and
the floor laid bags of straw. Early in the morning, guests help
teachers make these improvised beds and place back desks
and chairs.

4. Standard Services

Bathroom, shower
and common kitchen
The rooms at the same time can accommodate
more foreign people
Hostels demand for low-cost travel lovers, so
they focus mostly on youth, sports teams,
Most hostels have safes.
Standard Services


6. Additional services

Additional services
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