
Literary map of Russia


Project by
student of 9 class
Kiruyakov Evgeny

2. Some positions from “Literary map of Russia”

3. Sergey Aleksandrovich Esenin (1895-1925)

He was born in village
Konstantinovo, Ryazan Province.
His first poems appeared in Moscow
journals in 1914. After, Esenin came
to Peterburg, where he met Blok,
Klyuev and other poets.
From 1918 he settled in Moscow,
became one of the founders of the
group of imagists.
Poet traveled a lot around Russia
and foreign countries.
In his poetry they praise the strong
and free spirit and the magical
beauty of the Russian landscape.

4. Moscow writers

•Vladimir Mayakovskiy
•Marina Tsvetaeva
•Vladimir Vysotsky

5. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (1938-1980)

V. S. Vysotsky – poet, songwriter,
He began to write his first songs in
the early 1960s.
For all his life he wrote more than
200 poems, about 600 songs and
a poem for children.
Many songs were written for
The themes covered in his work
are different: ballads, satirical
texts, humorous lyrics, love lyrics,
and military.

6. Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin

G. R. Derzhavin - Russian writer and
statesman during the reign of Catherine
the Great.
Poet spent his childhood in the province
near Kazan, named Sokury, and his
youth in the Kazan gymnasium.
He served as a soldier in the
Preobrazhenskiy Regiment.
Derzhavin's poems was published in
1773, and he became well-known after
the publication of the ode “Felitsa”.
G.R. Derzhavin participated in the
compilation of the first explanatory
dictionary of the Russian language.

7. Marina Tsvetaeva

M. Tsvetaeva was born on September 26
(October 8), 1892 in Moscow, in the family
of Professor Ivan Tsvetaev.
At eighteen, she published the first
collection “Evening Album”. During the
civil war emigrated. She lived in Germany,
in Czech Republic, in France.
In 1928, in Paris, the last compilation of
Tsvetaeva - “After Russia” was released.
In 1939, Marina returned to the USSR. Soon
her husband is shot, and her daughter is
arrested and exiled.3
After the start of Great Patriotic War, she
and her son were evacuated to Elabuga,
where on August 31, 1941, she committed

8. Vladimir Mayakovsky

V. Mayakovsky was born on July 7,
1893 in a Georgian village, in 1906 he
came to Moscow.
While studying interested by literature.
He was arrested several times.
The first poem was published in 1912, in
1913 was published the first collection,
named "I".
After the revolution, released a famous
series of campaign posters.
Difficulties in his personal life and
literary struggle led the poet to
depression and suicide on April 14,

9. Philip Grigor’evich Kedrov (1909-1914)

Ph. Kedrov- Udmurt poet, teacher,
hero of the USSR.
Ph. G. Kedrov spent all his life to
educational activities: he taught at
school and in the agricultural
technical school, took part in the
creation of literary circles.
At the early stage of his creative
work, Kedrov wrote poems for
children, later he chosen prose.
The story "Kate" became an
important work for the Udmurt
people. There are description of
villager’s real life in it.

10. Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky

Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky was
born in the village, named Kosiha, Altai
When parents went to the front Robert
spent his childhood in orphanages, later
often moved.
The first collection “Flags of Spring” was
published in Petrozavodsk in 1955.
Fame and respect allowed him to do a
lot to perpetuate the memory of other
poets: he headed the commission on
the literary heritage of Vladimir Vysotsky
at the Writers' Union, helped open the
Tsvetaeva house-museum in Moscow.
Robert Rohdestvensky died in 1994.

11. Rimma Fyodorovna Kazakova

Rimma Fyodorovna Kazakova was
born in Sevastopol in 1932. She spent
her early childhood in Belarus, her
school years in Leningrad.
For seven years she lived in
Khabarovsk, worked as a lecturer,
teacher, journalist.
The first collection of poems"Let's
meet in the East" was published in
Rimma Kazakova is the author of
many famous songs and numerous
collections of poems.
Since 1999, she has been the first
secretary of the Writers' Union of
She died in 2008 at the age of 77.

12. Emil Arkadievich Kuni

Emil Kuni came in Kamchatka in
He worked at a school in the
villageOktyabrsky, later, in
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the
nautical school.
Member of the Great Patriotic
The first poems were published in
the front-line newspapers, and
published in journals after the
From 1964 to 1966 he headed
the Kamchatka Regional Literary


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