From information to wisdom
What to measure?
Donabedian model
Conceptual framework for measurement
Hypertension* patient journey
How do we know whether results are good?
Satisfaction with PHC in Estonia
DPT3 coverage in Estonia
From information to wisdom
Example of a quality improvement tool
Progress of selected indicators in Estonian PHC Quality Bonus System
Doing the improvement
Category: medicinemedicine

Performance measurement in PHC


How to measure family
28 April 2016, Harkiv
Taavi Lai, MD PhD
Fourth View Consulting, Estonia

2. From information to wisdom

3. What to measure?

• Health system is there to improve health outcomes
of people -> these need to be measured!
• When we know what health status we want to
achieve, we can plan a system that is able to
achieve desired outcomes and measure:
– Inputs (e.g. money, human resources)
– Processes (e.g. what services and how are provided)
– Outputs (e.g. how many visits and access to services)
• Finally, we can link changes in outcomes to how
we’ve changed inputs/processes/outputs

4. Donabedian model

Conceptual framework for measurement

5. Conceptual framework for measurement

How do we know whether results
are good?

6. Hypertension* patient journey

Satisfaction with PHC in Estonia

7. How do we know whether results are good?

DPT3 coverage in Estonia

8. Satisfaction with PHC in Estonia

9. DPT3 coverage in Estonia

From information to wisdom


Example of
a quality improvement tool

11. From information to wisdom

Progress of selected indicators in Estonian PHC
Quality Bonus System

12. Example of a quality improvement tool

Doing the improvement

13. Progress of selected indicators in Estonian PHC Quality Bonus System

It is a continuing process

14. Doing the improvement

Thank you for your attention!
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