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Problems ofteens in
Giving the presentation: Victoria
Balyuk and Ksenia Goloburdinа
Not so long ago Finland was inthe top ten of most drinking
countries, but now the situation
has changed for the better
As reported Scandi News, a
recent European study among
students showed that Finland is
in first place in the number of
Teens aged 15-16 who do not use
alcohol or drugs
It is obvious that over the pastdecade, Finnish students started to
live a more healthy lifestyle - in
previous studies, Finland has
always been in first place on
teenage alcoholism.
In Finland, the teenager will work
better to buy a bike than a drug
dose or a bottle of vodka
The Finnish health care system isunable to resolve a number of issues.
For example, in Finland still is an issue
of Smoking, even though Smoking in
Finland, a much smaller number of
people than in the whole Europe
Approximately 20-25% of young men
and women aged 15 to 24 years
smoke daily
Every year in Finland about athousand pregnant adolescents
up to 18 years, and 80 % of them
get abortions on demand ones
We want these problems was
less! We for a healthy way of
life around the World!