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Рortfolio of my works
1. Рortfolio of my works
*Welcome to the world of arts and
2. Аs they say: school years are wonderful years
*I studied techniques of working with differentmaterials: with threads and fabric, with art painting
on fabric, glass and wood, with wood carving.
*For each type of decorative art, I took part in
exhibitions and received a degree of laureate,
3. Needlework
**From 7 years (before studying
at school) to grade 5 I was
engaged in needlework. I
studied different schemes of
knitting, made toys, knitted
on a grid.
4. Embroidery
**Then before 8 class I studied
with embroidery. As in
needlework first I learned
different technics and the
next I made some works.
5. Batik and glass painting
**In middle school, I went to batik's Studio and painted
6. Wood carving
**In the 8th grade there was a
school component - wood
carving. I studied geometric
carving, Tatianka woodcarving.
Cut on the painted and unpainted
surface of a tree.
7. Wood painting
**In the 11th grade I was
engaged in painting on
woodIn the 11th grade I
was engaged in
Gorodetsky wood
8. University bachelor's life
**To be continued…