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My personal information
1. My personal information
2. My field
• I was born in Magnitogorsk, April 13, 20003. My family
• My family consists of mom, dad, younger sister. The youngest sister is6 years old. Now they live in Magnitogorsk.
• I also have a grandfather and grandmother living in the same city
(they are also the parents of the father), and another grandmother
and grandfather living at the dacha near Verkhneuralsk (they are also
the parents of the mother).
• Mother works in a pharmacy, the administrator of the trading floor.
• Dad works as a designer, i.e. designs buildings, shopping centers and
4. My family
• My sister is still going to kindergarten, the next year we are going tosend her to a school, which is located at a stop from home. Now sister
attends additional creative circles (dancing, drawing); also goes to the
5. My pets
• At home, in Magnitogorsk, I have a large aquarium with fish and twocages with birds: in the first - siskin, in the second - goldfinch.
• Our fish have a so-called "fasting day" - Monday. It is on Monday that
we leave them hungry, and from Tuesday to Sunday we feed either
special chips for fish or pellets.
• We feed birds with ordinary bird food.
6. My studies
• First I want to tell you about schooling, i.e. about how it all began.From grade 1 to grade 3, I studied in a simple correctional school, but
my parents did not like the way they treated me there, and therefore
they decided to send me to a private school. When it came to this, my
first teacher began to resent, saying that you give him there, he would
not pull the program of that school. Parents "kept a cam for me":
• I was sent to a private school, already in the 4th grade, where I
studied for the next 8 years, up to the 11th grade. The school gave me
a lot of good and useful things, I passed the exams quite successfully,
many good friends appeared.
7. My studies
• In high school, I faced a huge choice in my life: choose a universitywhere I could continue to get an education. Already in 8th grade I was
“drawn” to a medical school; I dreamed of becoming a physician until
the last days of 11th grade, until my teacher, who taught biology and
chemistry and my class teacher, told me not to dissuade me from
doing so, they say, why do you need all this, go better in science, do
your favorite chemistry, this is yours. And you know, I had nothing to
be offended, on the contrary, I thank them for the fact that they "gave
me the right brains" about medicine.
8. My studies
9. My studies
• And for this I have my own reasons: first, there is a lot to know, toteach, and to have time for a lot of other things. And if you moved to
another city and live alone, without friends and without parents, then
... well, I just don’t know what it would be. In general, I will say it
more simply by my own example: I entered the chemistry department
of an ordinary state university (CSU). If we compare how much they
ask us to go home and how much they ask medical students, then we,
in my opinion, are just a freebie. But even so, I somehow cope with
my studies. You have to sit until one o'clock, until two, three at night
almost every day. And what would be in a medical school?
10. My hobbies
• From my favorite activities I can highlight photographing and postingthese same photos on social networks (VKontakte, Instagram).
• Especially I adore photos where the nature, the sky, the underwater
world is represented. Immediately you begin to calm down, and the
eye rejoices when you look at this beauty.
• My second hobby is music. No, I do not play either the guitar or the
piano, I just love to listen to some new music. I am especially inspired
by pop music, which can be listened to on the road, and when you get
out, when you cook food, and so on. But not necessarily pop music: I
welcome any other musical genre (and even rap-music). From me the
requirement is one: that the songs were decent.
11. My hobbies
• Well, the third. Since I consider myself to be a group of people wholove to work well, learn something useful for themselves, I like to
finish lecture notes, which I did not manage to finish in the audience.
12. My achievements
• Out of my achievements, I can’t name anything like that; maximum,just letters and small prizes for participation in school competitions.
13. My dreams
I love to dream a lot. Here are some of my dreams:1. I dream about the car.
2. I dream of getting a high-paying job after university.