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End of call notification. A powerful communication channel. New service of mass consumption
1. End of Call Notification+
A powerful communication channel + new service of mass consumptionMarch 2016
End of Call Notification+ platform“Smart shoppers” is a new category of customer on today’s market. They are
used to spending money rationally and keeping an eye on their expenses.
This is a huge and constantly growing segment, and if mobile operators want to
stay in trend, they have to propose new “smart shoppers” services.
Our solution
End of Call Notification+ (EoCN+) ‒ is a service that allows you to control costs
in on-line mode. Immediately after any kind of Subscriber’s actions regarding his
account, the service sends a USSD NI message with the spent amount and current
balance state. It could be a notification about:
- the last made call;
- the last sent SMS;
- the last DATA-session;
- the balance recharge.
Powerful communication channelWe propose to add Operator’s targeted promo-messages to all notifications on
Subscriber’s last activities. End of Call Notification+ solution can generate up to
200 million activations for each 1 million subscribers monthly.
Response rate on USSD-messages in this communication channel is 0.8 – 2%
The key to success in this platform :
Precise targeting
Your messages
reach the target
Service activation without
additional efforts
Maximum coverage
The platform allows to send
advertising messages to a
The high targeting accuracy
is ensured by a built-in
CRM-module with a wide
range of criteria settings.
Growth of response rate is
ensured by simplification of
With EoCN+ Subscriber can
activate the advertised
service within the balance
check USSD-session.
EoCN+ platform ensures
the broadcast of maximum
teasers to the audience.
Examples of static USSD messagesStatic USSD ID messages from End of Call Notification+ platform look like this:
Call cost: 0.04 $.
Your balance: 0.61 $.
Summer hits instead of
beep! Call 133
Call cost: 0.05 $
Your balance: 0.1 $.
Immediate balance
renewal in credit : *506#
Call cost: 0.42 $.
Your balance: 5.16 $.
3GB Internet for only 3$
Call *375#
Examples of interactive USSD messagesInteractive USSD ID messages from End of Call Notification+ platform that can be
activated in the same USSD-session look like this:
Call cost: 0.04 $.
Your balance: 0.61 $.
Summer hits instead of beep!
Press 1 to activate
Call cost: 0.05 $
Your balance: 0.1 $.
Immediate balance renewal in
Press 1 to activate
Your request is accepted
Advantages of End of Call Notification+Project revenue ‒ 70К USD/month for 1 mln subscribers
End of Call Notification+ is a perfect solution as a combination of commercial
benefit and influence on subscribers’ loyalty ensuring:
A new level of informational service ‒ strengthening the loyalty and image of an
honest operator with a clear calculation system.
Revenue growth due to the significantly increased number of advertising messages and
paid services activations.
Advertisement discretion ‒ messages with useful information about expenses are
shown directly at the phone display, so that it does not cause a negative reaction from
High response due to precise targeting of advertising messages and interactive service
Subscribers’ control ‒ subscribers can independently activate and deactivate the
service. Moreover, subscribers can use the service after disabling of its advertisement.
The Customer is King.
Promotional offersEnd of Call Notification+ allows to promote various tariff plans, options,
Operator’s offers and VAS-services. In the first place the solution is developed
for “smart shoppers,” so that Operator’s offers with the highest consumer’s
value could receive the biggest response.
Example 1: Promotion of voice traffic package (targeting on calls direction)
The platform proposes traffic packages for those directions, on which Subscriber
makes the calls.
Call price: 0,5$
Balance: 1,67$
Call abroad for less money.
Call *324# (0,1$/day)
For example, Subscriber
called abroad.
At the end of the call an
offer to activate
international traffic package
is shown on the display.
Promotional offersExample 2: Promotion of voice traffic packages for the increase of night load
on the network (targeting on call time)
The platform proposes “night call” traffic packages to subscribers who call in
Call price: 0,5$
Balance: 1,67$
night call- 0$ per minute!
Call *334# (0,05$/day)
For example, Subscriber
made a call between 00:00
and 06:00.
At the end of the call the
offer to activate “night
traffic” package is shown on
the display.
Promotional offersExample 3: Discreet promotion of VAS-services (targeting on service absence
in the profile)
The platform offers to activate a VAS-service to those subscribers, who do not
have it activated.
Example of RBT service promotion
Example of SMS–subscriptions promotion
Call price: 0,5$
Call price: 0,5$
Balance: 2,67$
Balance: 2,67$
Jokes instead of beeps FOR
Your personal astrologer
FREE for 7 days! Send SMS
to 9001.
End of Call Notification+ capabilitiesEnd of Call Notification+ is a commercial solution of telecom-class, that allows
to serve the business-critical function of balance state control.
The solution is built on principles of reliability, productivity and controllability of
Operator and Subscribers. It supports:
Sending of USSD NI messages to subscribers after the call made to inform
about the call cost and current balance;
Adding the advertising information in USSD NI message;
Precise targeting to guarantee high response rate;
Rotation of advertising messages to manage width and depth of audience
User-friendly web interface to work with the platform on different access
levels (administrator, moderator, client);
Interactive USSD–messages to manage service settings;
Deployed reporting on advertising messages broadcasting.
Precise targetingEnd of Call Notification+ allows to display targeted messages to subscribers. The
solution supports the following basic targeting criteria:
Type of criteria
Data source
Subscriber’s balance
Call direction
Call time
Active services
Message limit
Subscriber’s tariff plan
Subscriber’s current location criterion
Subscriber’s language
The actuality of online data means that criteria for messages are generated on data,
received from a data source right after Subscriber ended the call.
Targeting criteria descriptionTargeting allows to customize promo-messages in view of Subscriber's
preferences and to offer activation of the services most interesting for him. The
efficiency of promo-messages increases due to their reaching the target
audience exactly.
The basic targeting criteria are described below:
Subscriber's balance criterion
Subscriber's balance criterion is a targeting option that allows to display a specific USSDtail to Subscriber based on his balance.
Example: You need to advertise an Internet-bundle that costs 3 USD. The system
administrator sets the USSD-tail to be displayed to those subscribers whose balance is no less
than 4 USD.
Result: By using this criterion, Operator will propose this service only to subscribers with
sufficient balance.
Targeting criteria descriptionCall direction criterion
Call direction criterion ‒ is the targeting option which allows to propose traffic packages to
call directions demanded by Subscriber.
Example: Shown on slide 7
Advantages: By using this criterion, Operator can precisely advertise the service to
subscribers interested in it.
Call time criterion
Time of call criterion ‒ allows to promote the action “happy hour”, “night is cheaper” option
etc. more actively.
Example: Shown on slide 8
Advantages: By using this criterion, Operator can precisely advertise the service to
subscribers interested in it.
Targeting criteria descriptionSubscriber's active services criterion
Subscriber's active services criterion is a targeting option that allows to check Subscriber's
previous activations to avoid a repeated service activation and promote to him other
targeted services.
Example 1: Operator needs to advertise the automatically renewable Internet-bundle. The
administrator chooses specific services via web interface, and if Subscriber has already
activated one of them, the advertising tail for this service will not be broadcasted to him.
Result: This way, Operator will not propose to subscribers the services they currently use.
Example 2: Operator needs to advertise 4G activation. Administrator chooses as the
targeting criterion the previously activated internet bundle.
Result: Subscribers that have activated the internet bundle will receive the proposal to
activate 4G.
Targeting criteria descriptionSubscriber's tariff plan
Subscriber's tariff plan is a targeting option that allows to display a specific USSD-tail to
Subscriber, based on his tariff plan.
Example: Operator needs to advertise the SMS-bundle to subscribers of a specific tariff plan.
The administrator chooses this tariff plan via the web interface and displays the advertising
message to its users.
Result: By using this criterion, Operator promotes the service among the subscribers with a
specific tariff plan.
Message limit
Message limit ‒ allows to specify the maximum number of advertising messages, which can
be sent to the subscriber for the certain period of time (day, week, month);
Example: According to the contacts policy, 1 subscriber can not receive more than 1
advertising message per day. The system is set according to this rule.
Advantages: By using this criterion, Operator can avoid SPAM advertising.
Targeting criteria descriptionSubscriber's language criterion
Subscriber's language criterion is a targeting option that allows to display a USSD-tail to
Subscriber, based on his language settings.
Example: Operator uses two languages in the system − English and Russian. In this case, the
administrator adjusts the settings so that the USSD-tail will be displayed in the language
chosen by Subscriber.
Benefits: By using this criterion, Operator displays the advertisement in the language that
Subscriber prefers.
Subscriber's current location criterion
Subscriber's current location criterion is a targeting option that allows to display a specific
USSD-tail to Subscriber, based on the region where Subscriber is at the moment.
Example: Operator needs to advertise the service for a specific region. In this case, the web
interface administrator chooses the region where the USSD-tail will be broadcasted.
Result: By using this criterion, Operator promotes the specific service in a specific region.
Advanced targetingEnd of Call Notification+ can be integrated with other Operator’s systems in
order to receive additional information.
The typical element for integration is
CRM–system. In case Operator does not
have CRM-system or its functionality
onlinecommunication with other systems,
Unifun installs its own CRM-system in
the Operator’s network for End of Call
Notification+ targeting needs.
Unifun CRM-systemType of criteria of Unifun CRM-system
Data source
List of active services
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
SMS/Voice/Internet active packages
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Subscriber’s status (active, passive)
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
ARPU Total
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
ARPU Voice
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Number of sent SMS during reporting period
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Length of outgoing calls (on–net, roaming, interconnect)
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Length of incoming calls (on–net, roaming, interconnect)
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Volume of data-traffic used during the reporting period
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
MSISDN, on which Subscriber calls most times
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
MSISDN, from which Subscriber receives most calls
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Actual location
Number of days without balance renewing
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Number of days without paid actions
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Total amount of renews for the reporting period
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
Number of balance renewing transactions for the reporting period
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
CRM + Billing
According to the agreement
The list of criteria can be added/edited on Operator’s request. The most often used targeting
criteria are marked with a star.
Solution's architectureBalance+ platform consists of several main parts:
Statistics database
Web interface for platform management
USSD GW − if the integration with Operator is done via SIGTRA
(SS7 over IP)/MAP0
Services integration module for integration via HTTP/USSD/SMPP (SMS)
System for monitoring services' working-efficiency
Web interface of End of Call NotificationFunctionality:
Broadcast management ‒ in this menu the user can create, delete, edit the
message’s text, see the archived messages, check the number of symbols,
upload the list of MSISDN.
Targeting ‒ the user can create the targeting criteria for USSD NI messages.
Active broadcast control ‒ the user can monitor the work of all active
broadcasts, check the adding date and number of sent USSD NI. Also the user
can check the broadcast criteria, pause the broadcast and restart it.
Statistics and reports ‒ collecting statistics based on different criteria,
generating and exporting reports for a subsequent analysis and marketing
planning of a campaign.
Web–interface − ManagementAll parameters of USSD NI messages broadcast are available in a user-friendly
Web interface − Creating a new messageThe web interface allows to create, edit or delete a new USSD-message in a few clicks.
Broadcast schedule functionalityThe broadcast schedule allows to view the planned advertising tails for a month in the form
of a calendar grid. By clicking on one of the days, detailed information regarding the
planned tails on a current day appears on the page.
Web interface − StatisticsIt is possible to generate detailed statistics via web interface based on the results of USSDtails broadcast.
Web-interface − MonitoringThe monitoring
monitoring menu
page allows
allows Operator
the current
system ofstate,
load like
to different
of of
and check
so on.requests
All theseinindicators
as well
as track
made balance
the form
shown in
form of
visual charts.
of visually
and diagrams.
Technical requirementsTo launch the End of Call Notification+ project are required:
2 virtual servers, provided by Operator
In case of using Operator’s USSDC: integration for sending USSD NI messages is
done according to SMPP or HTTP protocols
Integration between billing and End of Call Notification+ platform for
automatic platform notification about calls done by subscribers and current
In case of necessity, Unifun’s USSDC can be used for sending USSD NI
messages. Our USSDC can be integrated with Operator via SS7 or SIGTRAN
Project implementation period
6 weeks
Business modelUnifun proposes to Operator the following business models:
Option 1: CAPEX / OPEX model
The one-time price of the platform is 80К USD;
The price of the equipment is 20К USD (in case of virtual servers - FREE);
Maintenance: first year– FREE; starting with second year- 12К USD per year;
In case of End of Call Notification+ and Balance+ (iEoCN) purchase
The one-time price of both platforms is 140К USD;
The price of equipment is 20К USD (in case of virtual servers - FREE);
Maintenance: first year– FREE; starting with second year- 21К USD per year;
Business modelOption 2: Free of charge model on broadcast sharing basis
No CAPEX / No OPEX / No Risks for Operator ‒ all installation works are done
by Unifun
75% of broadcasts are done under the advertisement of Operator’s own
services, 25% of broadcasts are done under the advertisement of Unifun VAS–
products for a period of 2 years
Revenue, received from Unifun VAS–products promotion, will be divided
The pilot project can be launched in 6 weeks after receiving Operator's
agreement in principle.
Customer supportUnifun support is
available 24/7/365
Technical support office Urgent problems are solved
in 2 hours, standard — up
is in Chisinau, Moldova
to 6 hours
Technical support contact
Phone: +373 22 88 58 16
We are available by phone
and e-mail any time, on
Skype – during work hours
Thank you!George Karagheaur
skype: george.karagheaur