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Secretory cycle
1. Project «Secretory cycle»
*Author: Kim M., 203 gr.
Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine
Semchenko V.V.
2. Glandulocytes
*3. Types of secretory cycle
*4. Secretory cycle in the stomach
6. Secretory cycle
*7. Phase of the secretory cycle.
*1. Absorption glandulosytes starting materials from the blood and
lymph from the basal surface.
2. . Synthesis and accumulation of secretions, which is carried out
in a granular or smooth endoplasmic grid; secretory products
are issued as part of the Golgi complex.
3. Isolation secret of glandulosytes - extrusion carried out in
different ways depending on the type of secretion - merokrine,
apocrine, holocrine.
4. Resetting the glandular cells. Named phase can occur in
glandulocytes one after another cycle, forming a so-called
secretory cycle. In other cases, they are carried out
simultaneously, which is characteristic of diffuse or spontaneous