Project «Secretory cycle»

Secretory cycle

1. Project «Secretory cycle»

Author: Kim M., 203 gr.
Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine
Semchenko V.V.

2. Glandulocytes


3. Types of secretory cycle


4. Secretory cycle in the stomach



6. Secretory cycle


7. Phase of the secretory cycle.

1. Absorption glandulosytes starting materials from the blood and
lymph from the basal surface.
2. . Synthesis and accumulation of secretions, which is carried out
in a granular or smooth endoplasmic grid; secretory products
are issued as part of the Golgi complex.
3. Isolation secret of glandulosytes - extrusion carried out in
different ways depending on the type of secretion - merokrine,
apocrine, holocrine.
4. Resetting the glandular cells. Named phase can occur in
glandulocytes one after another cycle, forming a so-called
secretory cycle. In other cases, they are carried out
simultaneously, which is characteristic of diffuse or spontaneous

8. Thank you for your attention

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