How to calculate the impact factor and h-index
The Hirsch index
How the index is calculated
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How to calculate the impact factor and h-index

1. How to calculate the impact factor and h-index

Boken Yerlan Zhanbay Baglan

2. The Hirsch index

The h-index, or the Hirsch index, is
the science-metric indicator proposed in
2005 by the Argentine-American
physicist Jorge Hirsch of the University of
California at San Diego, initially to
assess the scientific productivity of
physicists. The Hirsch index is a
quantitative characteristic of
productivity of a scientist, a group of
scientists, a scientific organization, or the
country as a whole, based on the number
of publications and the number of
citations of these publications

3. How the index is calculated

The index is calculated on the basis of the distribution of
citations of the researcher's work. According to Hirsch:
The scientist has an index h if h from his Np articles are cited at
least h times each, while the remaining (Np-h) articles are cited no
more than h times each.
In other words, the scientist with the index h published h articles,
each of which was referred to at least h times. So, if this researcher
published 100 articles, for each of which there is only one
reference, his h-index is 1. The same is the h-index of the researcher
who published one article, which was referenced 100 times


At the same time (more realistic case), if among the
publications of the researcher there is 1 article with 9 citations,
2 articles (including the already mentioned article with 9
citations) with not less than 8 citations, 3 articles with not less
than 7 citations, ..., 9 articles with not less than 1 citation of
each of them, then its h-index is equal to 5 (since 5 articles
were referred to at least 5 times).

5. Criticism

The Hirsch index, of course, is not
ideal. A number of his shortcomings
were noted in Hirsch's original paper
[1]. It is not difficult to think of a
situation where the h-index gives a
completely incorrect estimate of the
significance of the researcher. In
particular, the short career of the
scientist leads to an underestimation of
the significance of his work. Thus, the hindex of the deceased in his youth and
having managed to publish only four
articles of Evariste Galois is 4 and will
remain so forever.


The Hirsch index is a quantitative characteristic of the
scientist's productivity for the entire period of scientific
activity; It is presented in the abstract databases Scopus
and Web of Science. The h-Index can also be calculated
using free public databases on the Internet - for example,
using Google Scholar


H-The index is often criticized, because Sometimes it
gives a completely incorrect estimate of the significance of
the researcher. In particular, the short career of the scientist
leads to an underestimation of his work. The value of the
indicator essentially depends on the field of science and the
age of the researcher. In biology and medicine, the h-index
is much higher than in physics or chemistry.

8. Thank you for attention!!!!!

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