Complete the conversation
Category: englishenglish

Complete the conversation

1. Complete the conversation

Paul: What museum ______ yesterday?
Luc: I went to the London Transport Museum. _________?
Paul:Yes, I have. My dad took me there when I was 8.
Luc: I liked the exhibition of old trams and trains.
Paul: After the lessons, our class went to the British Musum.
We watched an exhibition of different objects from Africa
and learnt how people used them in their life long ago.
Luc: No, but I`d like to go there.


Paul: What museum did you go yesterday?
Luc: I went to the London Transport Museum. Have you visited it?
Paul:Yes, I have. My dad took me there when I was eight. What did
you like most there?
Luc: I liked the exhibition of old trams and trains. And what did
you do yesterday?
Paul: After the lessons, our class went to the British Museum. We
watched an exhibition of different objects from Africa and learnt
how people used them in their life long ago. Have you been there?
Luc: No, but I`d like to go there.



1 We’ve only got one egg. That
not be enough to make three
a might b can c should
2 I tidy up the kitchen afterwards, will you make some coffee ice
a So b Then c If
3 Dad’s giant pizza was by everyone except Grandma.
a eat b eaten c ate
4 The potatoes boiled, not fried and I didn’t like them much.
a been b were c being
5 The biscuits may wet because Tom forgot to close the bag!
a being b been c be
6 Who this amazing recipe book written by?
a did b had c was
7 Will Uncle Matt bring me a birthday cake if he to my party?
a come b coming c comes
8 The breakfast cereal that made by the health food shop is my
a does b is c has
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