Flag of the Altai Region
History of creation
Raising the flag
Mourning Rise
Commercial using
The original
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Category: englishenglish

Flag of the Altai Region

1. Flag of the Altai Region

Prepared by:
First-year student of College ASU
272b-sp group
Borodulin Nikita Ivanovich

2. History of creation

Adopted by the Altai Region Council of People's
Deputies on July 4, 2000.
RSFSR (1954)
Altai Region (2000)

3. Appearance

4. Size

According to Federal Law, the flag have sides ration 1:2

5. Placements

6. Raising the flag

According to Federal Law, flag of the Altai Region can be raised under buildings of Administration.

7. Mourning Rise

The flag can be raised as a sign of mourning. In such cases, in the upper part of the flag pole
(mast), a black band is attached, the length of which is equal to the length of the Flag. As a
sign of mourning, the flag can be lowered to half the shaft (mast).

8. Commercial using

According to Federal Law, Legal entities and individuals have the right
to use the flag image for commercial using on a free basis.

9. The original

The flag's standard is on a permanent exposition of the
Altai State Museum of Local History.

10. Thank you for your attention!

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