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The Monuments of the First World War
1. The Monuments of the First World War
School 5, Form 9 ASergei Popel
Teacher V. D. Ganzikova
2. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Moscow)
The monument wasopened in Moscow on the
1st of August 2014 in
memory of 100th
anniversary of the 1st
World War . The
monument consists of 2
elements: the figure of
the Russian soldier who
became the winner and
multifigure composition
symbolizing the Russian
3. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Pskov)
The monument was builtby the Russian military
historical society. It was
built by Salavat
Scherbakov. It was
opened on the 22nd of
August 2014. This
monument was built on
the place of the 24th
infantry division. Here
Nikolay I abdicated the
4. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Pushkin)
The monument to theRussian soldiers who
died during the 1st
World War, was built
to the 90th
anniversary of the war
ending not far from
Kazan cemetery in
5. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Lipetsk)
The monument is 19meters high with the
Eagle and Saint
George’s Cross. It
was opened on the 8th
August 2014.
6. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Kaliningrad)
The monumentcommemorates the
100th anniversary of
the 1st World War.
The monument
contains 4 bronze
figures which
represent 4 different
layers of society who
took part in the war.
7. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Saint Petersburg)
The sculpture ismade as a large cross
with the figures of the
soldiers in the
carriage of the train.
8. The Monument to the Heroes of the 1st World War (Rostov- on-Don)
The monument isdedicated to the
officers who took part
in the war.