The education system in Russia
The education system in the Russian Federation - is...
The structure of the education system
1. General education
2. Professional education
3.Additional education
Category: englishenglish

The education system in Russia

1. The education system in Russia

Выполнила: Беккер Анастасия 3 ФВТ

2. The education system in the Russian Federation - is...

• The education system in the Russian Federation is a complex
of training programs regulated by state education standards,
and implementing their educational networks, consisting of
independent from each other institutions subordinated to
the Supervisory and managing bodies.

3. The structure of the education system

Educational institution - the main link of system of education
of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions conduct
educational work under specially developed plans and
regulations. Briefly the system of education in Russia is
impossible to describe, because it is diverse and consists of
different components. But they are complex, aimed at every
educational level to carry out the sequential development of
individual and professional quality indicators of personality.

4. 1. General education

Preschool education
Primary education
Basic general education
Secondary general education

5. 2. Professional education

Secondary vocational education
Higher education (bachelor's degree)
Higher education (specialist's, master's)
Higher education (training of highly qualified personnel)


7. 3.Additional education

Additional education of children and adults
Additional professional education)


• Today special attention is deserved by
system of continuous education in Russia.
On the one hand, this system serves as a
reflection of the objective needs of
society. On the other hand, with this
system of training is the continuous
updating of the knowledge base level, and
obtaining special skills that are so
essential in today's economy. You can also
say that continuing education is a doctrine
of constant improvement of human life
and the development of his abilities.

9. Conclusion

As the main goal of management in this system should be
considered a permanent development of creativity and human
potential. And in the center of this system must be the man himself,
his desires and, of course, the development of his abilities.
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