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Romanian education system
1. Romanian education system
prepared by student of 7113 groupLevit Leonid
2. What is about fees for education?
• Romanian education system are called “tuition-free”• In Romania there are also private schools and kindergartens, but only 2% of
children are visiting them.
3. Early steps (kindergarten)
• 3 groups of childrenGrupa Mică – 3-4 years
Grupa Mijlocie – 4-5 years
Grupa Mare – 5-6 years
+ Pregătire pentru școală (preparatory
• 3 schedules: shortened (8:00-13:00)
full-time (8:00-15:00)
extended (8:00-18:00)
4. Primary school (first stage)
• Lasts for 4 years• 2 semesters (4-5 times for holidays)
• Marks: Foarte bine (FB) - excellent,
Bine (B) - good, Satisfăcător / Suficient
(S) - satisfactory, Nesatisfăcător /
Insufficient (N / I) – unsatisfactory
• “one-teacher” scheme
5. Primary school (second stage)
Lasts for 4 years
Grades system – from 1 to 10
Special classes
Testarea Naţională - nationwide test
(3-4 subjects)
• Different teachers for different subjects
6. High school
• 3 types of education: theoretical, vocational,technological
• Lasts for 4 years (regardless of type)
• Grades system – from 1 to 10
• Examenul Naţional de Bacalaureat – exam for
Bachelor’s degree
7. School of crafts
Lasts for 3 years
After ending this type of school you will get certificate
No bacalaureat exam
You can work after this school
No entering for an university
8. Universities
• 3 cycles:Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree, 4 years)
Graduate (Master’s degree, 2 years)
Postgraduate (PHD, 3 years)