Home task for the 12-th of February

Home task for the 12-th of February

1. Home task for the 12-th of February

1.Three periods in history of Kiev Rus –
Будюкин Роман
2.The premises of feudal breaking up –
Богомолов Дмитрий
3.The essence and specific features of Russian
centralized state –Беркетова Екатерина

2. Home task for the 12-th of February

4. The establishment of the new dynasty – the
Romanovs dynasty – Володин Юрий
6.Test Theme 1 (10 tasks, 3 versions)
Be ready with your presentations (7-12 slides).

3. Home task

For preparing your presentation you can use:
1.The materials of «Lecture 1» + the presentation in
2.The materials of the file «A History of Russia»
3.Other sources (you may put links from Internet which
you use for preparation)

4. Home task for the 19 of February

1. Economic, political and social development
of Russia in the 17-th century - ???
2. The epoch of palace coups in Russia in the
18-th century – Попова Алина
3. Test Theme 2 (10 tasks, 3 versions)
Be ready with your presentations (7-12 slides).

5. Home task for the 19 of February

For preparing your presentations you can use:
1.The materials of «Lecture 2»+the presentation in
2.Other sources (you may put links from Internet
which you use for preparation)
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