Kazakhmys Corporation
It designs / makes /provides / distributes/sells / offers / organizes / invests in, etc.
Where it is located:
It has offices / branches /subsidiaries / factories /stores, etc. in ...
Branches is located
Why you want to work for this company.
Category: industryindustry

Kazakhmys Corporation

1. Kazakhmys Corporation

Dropped out: Toktamysova Dilyara


Kazakhmys - the largest copper producer in


4. It designs / makes /provides / distributes/sells / offers / organizes / invests in, etc.

It designs The Group operates in the mining industry, the main activity of the group is
the extraction and processing of copper ore into cathode copper and copper wire
rod, refining and sale of precious metals and other by-products obtained as a result of
mining and processing of copper .
Production Copper, zinc, gold, silver
The copper ore reserves owned by the company were 2013: proven - 279 721
thousand tons, design - 93 418 thousand


6. Where it is located:

It was established
and registered in
the form of a
company in
August 1997.
As of December
31, 2015, the
registered office
of the company
was located at
the address:
Republic of
Karaganda city,
Lenin's 12


8. It has offices / branches /subsidiaries / factories /stores, etc. in ...

Kazakhmys Plc owns 16 operating mines
8 ore mining and processing plants and two copper-smelting
production complexes (Zhezkazgan and Balkhash Mining and
Metallurgical Combines),
3 power plants (Karagandinskaya GRES-2, Zhezkazgan and
Balkhash TPP) and two coal mines (Molodezhny and


10. Branches is located


12. Management

Эдуард Викторович Огай
Председатель Совета
Владимир Сергеевич Ким
Президент Казахмыс
Бахтияр Абдрахманович
Генеральный директор
Управляющего совета
Адилет Назарбаевич
директор ТОО «Kazakhmys



For nine months of 2016 the company produced 163.8
thousand tonnes of copper in cathode equivalent, which is 2%
more than the same period of 2015. In total, last year it was
planned to produce 224.4 thousand tons of copper. In 2015,
Corporation Kazakhmys LLP produced 223 thousand tonnes
of copper in cathode equivalent, 3,040 kg of gold in bars and
274 tonnes of refined silver. The main export destinations are
China and Europe.

15. Why you want to work for this company.

"Kazakhmys" is one of the best companies in our country. I
believe that this industry is more promising than others. I
want to work in the financial sector of this company. I know
that I can become a better worker. Because I know how to
get along with people, and this is my turn, necessary, in the
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