Category: englishenglish


1. Fitness.


Active, healthy lifestyle.
Fitness is an active, healthy lifestyle. Fitness
harmoniously combines sports, perfect physical
form, balance of emotional state and proper
A single and final, established definition of fitness
still does not exist. At the same time, there is a
discrepancy in the writing of the word itself: they
write either "fitness" or "fitness". In the literal
translation from English, the word "fitness" (to be
fit - "to be in shape") is suitability, conformity.


Today, the term "fitness" refers to the diversified
development of physical abilities while improving
well-being during class. It is proved that by
means of fitness the potential physical abilities of
a person develop.
Fitness - this is, exactly, a way of life. Fitness
allows you to maintain and strengthen your
health, balance your emotional state, improve your
physical form.
Fitness includes both training in the gym, and
aerobics, and proper nutrition - in short, fitness is
a lifestyle that is commonly called "healthy."


For a modern person, fitness is associated with
success in life and youth.
Classes of fitness dates back to antiquity. In
ancient Greece and ancient Rome, there was a
cult of athleticism, a healthy and beautiful
body. Greek and Roman athletes strove for a
combination of inner and outer beauty and


With the development of civilization, the more
material wealth a person acquired, the worse
his health became. A person, especially living
in a big city, experiences the harmful influence
of the environment, stresses, and uses fast


In the US, the first fitness programs were
developed during the Second World War for
American soldiers, so that they were in good
physical shape. Under the guidance of professional
athletes, the military rocked the press, performed
strength exercises, pulled themselves up on the
In the middle of the last century, the Presidential
Council for Fitness decided to save the American
nation from obesity and disease. Now about 20
million Americans are constantly engaged in


In Russia, fitness clubs opened less than a decade
The fitness program should be a carefully designed
system designed to develop certain qualities of a
person (endurance, speed, coordination of
movements). At the heart of fitness and physical
health is always a healthy lifestyle, development
and a combination of athletic and motor qualities,
which give the most complete definition of fitness.
All existing fitness exercises can be divided into
five groups.


Now every client of the fitness club, before
starting classes, undergoes special sports
testing, under the guidance of an experienced
trainer, to reveal the initial level of his
training, and receives advice on dietary
nutrition. The more known and respectable the
club, the more modern, scientifically based
fitness programs it offers visitors.


The first group. Exercise for endurance. These
include walking at a certain pace, slow
running, cycling, aerobics (rhythmic
gymnastics), dancing, some martial arts and
swimming. These exercises are recommended
for improving cardiac activity and circulation.


The second group. Power training. It's
bodybuilding, swimming with different styles,
some kinds of sports games. Such exercises
strengthen and develop muscles.


The third group. Exercises for speed. This
group includes fast dances, all sports games
with the ball. Performing such exercises, a
person learns to perform short and at the same
time rapid movements.


Flexibility exercises. The last two groups
include all the existing types of gymnastics, as
well as sports games and martial arts,
swimming, dancing. As a result of such
training, the movements become confident,
rhythmic and coordinated, the elasticity of
muscles and joints increases.
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