История Канады (да, мне лень переводить название презентации)
Category: englishenglish

History of Canada

1. История Канады (да, мне лень переводить название презентации)

Сами угадаете, кто сделал.


Today I want to tell you about the history
of one country, where all the geese fall after
death, a country that seems to be
independent, but it seems not, where it is
colder than in Omsk. Yes, I'm talking
about Canada, yes, further will be boring
information written in black on green,
perhaps from Wikipedia .....


So, who lived in Canada, suffered from cold and hunger before it became
mainstream? Well, they were Eskimos and Indians. About the first there is
nothing to tell, fishermen as fishermen, and with the second already more
interesting. In general, people appeared here about 12,000 years ago. But there
were few of them, by 1497 there were only half a million red-faced (not racism).
But of them 80% died from the diseases of Europe and simply destruction
(Hitler approves). They lived in great cities (with a population of a maximum of
500 people). They have 8 unique versions of the creation of the world (much
more interesting than in the Bible, oh, sorry, in the Holy Bible.) Some living
dead are worth it. And it is thanks to them that we have a forest spirit-Wendigo.



So, in the yard 1000 years from
the birth of Christ (Mombo, who
is Christ?) Vikings learned that
in 1016 years the apocalypse will
happen, because in the Russov
country the epic Viking will be
created (although there are
almost no Viking there). So, so
that this does not happen, they
decided to make Scandinavia
great again. And they founded
on the island of Newfoundland a
But, either among the Indians
was the degeneration of Peter 1,
or the Vikings welded a
sursleming(how can this be
eaten?), they did not stay long.


And the Indians lived
quietly, but then people
realized in 1497 that
Columbus was an idiot and
discovered not India. And
then there were even
bigger geniuses (John
Cabot), who thought:
"Wait, if you can not swim
through this piece of land
(it was not destined to
build the Panama Canal),
then it can swim out of it
from the north?" Since
then, the coasts of Canada
have been explored by the
French, Portuguese and


In 1600 the French with 100
attempts founded the cities of
Tadusak (God, they would call it
Quebec right away) and PortRoyal. In 1610 the tea-cocks
awoke and founded St. Johns on
Newfoundland (again it ?!). By
this time, although some of the
Indians died out, they
nevertheless became friends
with the French (from the
general hatred of love one step).
And here in Canada they found
..... fish and furs. And the meat
began, in which even the
Erokesa. All ended with the
Seven Years' War, in which the
British won, having received the
whole of Canada.


After in 1776, Britain was lost
to anyone yet unknown by the
United States, many were
dissatisfied with this fact, but
those living on their territory
fled to Canada, So she shared
on the top and bottom. In
1812, the United States almost
took Canada away, running
ahead, this is not the last time
a skirmish. In 1850 on one of
the islands, whose name I
forgot because it is tiny, an
American farmer shot a
Canadian pig, and since there
was still a garrison of both
countries, we can say that they
fought for 13 years because of
a pig. Made them reconcile
Wilhelm First.


I hope, you didn’t forget
about 2 Canada. Since the
mood in society was different,
and also because of the influx
of immigrants from England
and Ireland due to the famine
in them in 1815, and the
understandable attitude
towards the French-speaking,
then once, Lower Canada in
1837 (This year Pushkin deid,
hm…) decided to become a
republic (independent).
Anglia simply explained that
she did not like it, with the
help of hanging and referring
to Australia (they did not
have Siberia).


Finally, in 1840 it again
becomes one, and instead
of provinces, the concept of
dominion is introduced,
like a completely different
country turns out, so that
the French in Quebec did
not have much power, they
created many provinces
with the English, plus it is
more convenient to follow
immigrants who move into
the depths from.


Canada as Colonial England
participated in the useless
First World War(Oh,
Flanders ..), and in the
prince understandable
World War II, especially they
were remembered in the
Battle of Dieppe (Normandy1942, senseless and bloody),
and the Battle of Scheldt (the
liberation of Belgium-1944,
again bloody, but with
meaning). This The war
brought wealth to Canada,
and the defeat of its
conservative party (Milord,
people do not want to fight!).
So, in 1947 she was actively
involved in the creation of
the British Commonwealth.


Then there is nothing
interesting in the prince, if
you do not take into
account the fact that from
the end of the 1950s
onwards, nationalism
began to appear, and that
Canada has participated in
all the wars in the Middle
East since the 90s (Afghan
fleshbeks ...). And, well,
the very latest, since it's
fashionable right now,
Canada in 2005 legalized
homosexual marriages
(before it became a
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