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Art and design
1. Art and design
Done by: Kurmangali Kazbek2. What is art?
ART - is the conscious creation of something beautifulor meaningful using skill and imagination.
4. Types of arts
Applied (labor) arts-Architecture
-Decorative arts
Fine arts
-The photo
-Graphic arts
Art of the wordliterature
The art of sound-Music
Spectacular (game)
ArchitectureARCHITECTURE (from the Greek - builder)
(architecture), the art of designing and building
buildings and other
6. Architecture
7. Decorative arts
8. Sculpture
SCULPTURE (Latin cut, carve), sculpture,plastic, which has three-dimensional form
and are made of hard or plastic materials.
The sculpture depicts mainly a human,
hardly ever animals.
9. Sculpture
PaintingPAINTING is a
kind of fine art,
which created
by the paints
applied to any
11. Painting
12. Graphic arts
Graphics is (Greek - I write, I draw, draw) a kindof fine art, which including drawing and
printed works of art, based on the art of
13. Graphic arts
The photoThe photo (from other Greek - light and write, light painting -
the technique of drawing by light) - obtaining and saving a
still image using a photosensitive material or a photosensitive
matrix in the camera
15. The photo
16. Literature
MusicMusic is sound that has been organized by
using rhythm, melody, or harmony.(often
by musical instruments)
18. Music
19. Choreography
ChoreographyChoreography, choreographic
art - the art of composing and
stage setting of the dance, the
original meaning - the art of
recording dance by the
20. Choreography
TheaterThe theater (the Greek main
meaning - a place for spectacles,
then - a spectacle, from - see) the form of performing art.
22. Theater
TVTV (from the "vision"), the field of science,
technology and culture associated with the transfer of
images of moving objects at a distance
electronic devices.
24. TV
25. What is design?
DesignDesign is the creation of a plan or convention
for the construction of an object, system or
measurable human interaction (as in
architectural blueprints, engineering
drawings, business processes, circuit
diagrams, and sewing patterns).
27. Types of design
Industrial DesignGraphic design
Environmental design
Design of a person's image
28. Industrial Design
29. Industrial Design
30. Graphic design
31. Environmental design
Exterior designInterior Design
Ecological design
32. Exterior design
33. Exterior design
34. Interior design
35. Interior design
36. Ecological design
37. Ecological design
38. Landscaping
39. Landscaping
40. Phytodesign
41. Design of a person's image
Visage or art visageDesign hairstyles or hairdressing
Design of clothes, shoes, accessories