Categories: englishenglish geographygeography


1. Tourism


2. Rio de Janeiro

The well-known Name Rio de Janeiro beaches
in translation are meant by the "January river".
By the glory of Rio de Janeiro it is in many
respects obliged to the magnificent snow-white
ocean beaches which strongly entered everyday
life of everyone of the carioca. That were
stretched to the southeast from center –
Flamengo, Botafogu, Lemi, Kopakabana,
Aproador, Ipanema, Le Blond, Vidigal are
considered as the most beautiful, Pepina and
Barra-da-Tizhuk. Kopakaban's beach located in
the region of Rio of the same name uses the
greatest popularity. Ipanema – the favourite
vacation spot of local rich men and tourists.
The Indian name of this beach is meant by the
"dangerous abyss". And really ocean waves are
especially high also grozna, especially here in
hours of a low tide. The local youth prefers to
meet on a beach before "Sezar-Park-Otelem".

3. London

London is the most beautiful European capital, combining
the most up-to-date infrastructure and traditions of the past.
Its surprising traditions strike people around the world. This
city is high on the list by number of tourists in a year
London is the most beautiful European capital, combining
the most up-to-date infrastructure and traditions of the past.
Its surprising traditions strike people around the world. This
city is high on the list by number of tourists in a year In
Greater London on the area of 1579 lives 7,1 million
people, from them 2,7 million - in the Central London. The
capital of the United Kingdom - one of world tourist centers,
now he is visited annually by 10 million travelers who are
attracted by centuries-old history, 160 city museums, 80
parks, medieval and modern architecture, the well-known
theaters and unique color. In Greater London on the area of
1579 lives 7,1 million people, from them 2,7 million. in the Central London. The capital of the United Kingdom one of world tourist centers, now he is visited annually by 10
million travelers who are attracted by centuries-old history,
160 city museums, 80 parks, medieval and modern
architecture, the well-known theaters and unique color.

4. Italy. City of Pisa

The main information The Leaning Tower
of Pisa or simply the Tower of Pisa (La
Torre di Pisa) is the campanile, or
freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of
the Italian city of Pisa. It is situated behind
the Cathedral and is the third oldest
structure in Pisa's Cathedral Square
(Piazza del Duomo) after the Cathedral
and the Baptistry. The height of the tower is
55.86 m (183.27 ft) from the ground on the
lowest side and 56.70 m (186.02 ft) on the
highest side. The width of the walls at the
base is 4.09 m (13.42 ft) and at the top
2.48 m (8.14 ft). The tower has 296 or 294
steps; the seventh floor has two fewer
steps on the north-facing staircase.

5.  Rome

The city reminds showrooms of
the huge museum without roof: a
live collage of the areas, the
markets in the open air and
historical places which look for a
long time remains in memory.
Throw a coin into the fountain of
Trevi, be surprised to greatness of
the Colosseum and the Pantheon,
and then refuel a cappuccino to
carry out residual of day in shops
of Kampo-de-Fiori or Via Veneto.
The plate is fresher than paste,
juicy fried artichokes or gentle
soup from bull tails will become
the best food in your life.

6. Paris

Paris and tourism of concept continuous, for
that simple reason that Paris annually are
visited by more than 20 million people, and it
is the most man-tended city in a pattern. This
city along with cultural and historical sights
can offer the tourists the most various
entertainments from quiet visits of the
museums to reckless parties in night clubs,
from operas and the ballet to bright cabarets
shows. Besides, Paris is a place of pilgrimage
of gourmets and shopaholics. The first will be
able to derive pleasure from local restaurants,
and the second from local shops. The prices
both there and there can strike, but and quality
is higher than any praises. Significantly having
replenished the clothes, in case of departure
from the country foreign tourists can return
20,6% of cost of the acquired goods if they
met certain conditions and the appropriate
papers are truly filled.

7. Egypt

Egypt is a favourite place for judges of
history, exotic, the sea, a beach and the
acceptable prices. The rest combination
to excursions and entertainments
leaves unforgettable impressions. One
big Kurortny district is, in fact, all coast
of the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea
and the Sinai Peninsula. Magnificent
Hurghada, El Gong, Dakhab and Safaga,
Sharm el-Sheikh, Som, Makadi Beng
and Taba – ideal places for suntan,
floats and carrying out release.

8. You surely shall visit at least one of these cities!

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