I took for comparison trucks from the two countries and show their difference . It looks like a train, a bus and a taxi in
Category: englishenglish

The transport


Work : Karluka Maksim
10 – B class


In our world,
probably most of the
people have their
own personal
transport, but also
there are people who
do not. There are
also public
transport. Public
transport: bus, train,
metro, tram, taxi


Also, we can face every day with different
weather conditions: ice, rain, snow, strong

4. I took for comparison trucks from the two countries and show their difference . It looks like a train, a bus and a taxi in


It looks like a train, bus and taxi services in
the Czech Republic


Having your own transport is always very
conveniently . At any time, you can go exactly
where you want, and you know that it is not
does not depend on someone . Often we
meet on the roads of traffic jams and
accidents, which should be avoided. On the
road, you have to be careful and calm.
Other vehicles, such as an airplane, train,
bus - they are no less dangerous, I would say
even more. So, how the situation can be
different, and in recent years has more failed
cases .


you for attention !!!
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