Category: geographygeography

Global warming


Topic:Global warming


Predict the effects of
possible global warming
Success criteria:
Protect build at least one
reasonable evidence of alleged


Predict the effects of
possible global warming
The first group: Predict the effects of possible global
warming after 5 years later, the average temperature at the
Earth's surface
Forecasts may not be accurate, why?
The second group: Predict the effects of possible global
warming after 20 years later, the average temperature at the
Earth's surface
Forecasts may not be accurate, why?
The third group: Predict the effects of possible global
warming after 20 years later, the average temperature at the
small island surface
Forecasts may not be accurate, why?


The first group: Predict the effects of possible global warming after 5
years later, the average temperature at the Earth's surface
Forecasts may not be accurate, why?
Three things to consider
The reliability of the data
upon which they have
made their predictions –
where did it come from/is it
accurate/ is it applicable
Are there other
explanations of the data
i.e. are there other factors,
apart from CO2 that might
be important(sun spots?,
natural cycles?)
Might things change in the
next 5/20 years? Might less
CO2 be emitted?


The second group: Predict the effects of possible global warming after 20 years later, the
average temperature at the Earth's surface
Forecasts may not be accurate, why?
Three things to consider here:
The reliability of the data upon which they have made their predictions – where
did it come from/is it accurate/ is it applicable world-wide?
Are there other explanations of the data i.e. are there other factors, apart from
CO2 that might be important(sun spots?, natural cycles?)
Might things change in the next 5/20 years? Might less CO2 be emitted?


The third group: Predict the effects of possible global warming after 20 years later, the average
temperature at the small island surface
Forecasts may not be accurate, why?
Three things to consider here:
The reliability of the data upon which they have made their predictions –
where did it come from/is it accurate/ is it applicable world-wide?
Are there other explanations of the data i.e. are there other factors, apart
from CO2 that might be important(sun spots?, natural cycles?)
Might things change in the next 5/20 years? Might less CO2 be emitted?


Predict the effects of possible global warming
using following graphs, tables and forecast data


Predict the effects of possible global warming
using following graphs, tables and forecast data


Predict the effects of possible global warming
using following graphs, tables and forecast data


The possibility of global warming arising from
human activity
Natural gas and oil pollute air, water
greenhouse effect


Адам әрекетінен пайда болатын Ғаламдық
жылыну мүмкіншілігі
Транспорттардың көбеюі тікелей
көмірқышқыл газың СО2 көп бөледі


The possibility of global warming arising from
human activity
The increase in the number of people


The possibility of global warming arising from
human activity
Mass cutting of the forest


Global warming, how will lead to


Melting glaciers
World ocean levels rise
Dryness of the surface of the Earth


The increase in tropical cyclones
The increase in rainfall in temperate
The increase in forest fires


The degradation of the eternal ice
The degradation of the eternal ice


Other information about Global worming
The destruction of species unable to adapt to the new environment
Depending on the temperature warming and thawing of polar ice
caps some of the animals exist at all from ecosystem: seals, polar
• Some of the animals - herons, turtles change their migrations.


Can you give how to protect our
environment from Global warming?
Do you have any idea?


Ғаламдық жылынуға қарсы американдық ғалымдар
бірнеше жобалар ұсынды, соның ішінде ұтымды жоба
Қазіргі кезде
Антарктиданың кейбір
аймақтарында жоба
бойынша балдырларды тез
өсіретін заттар суға
себіледі, соған
байланысты балдырлар
көмірқышқыл газдарын
көп көлемін сіңіре алады.


How do you think: What
do we need to do to
prevent global


The future is in our hands
for their
place of
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and
methane (CH4) rapidly
reduce emissions out


When you do not need to
switch off the light


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