Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Category: englishenglish

Предлоги в английском языке

1. Предлоги

предлог of соответствует русскому
родительному падежу: friend of mine – мой
друг; bag of my mother- сумка моей мамы; cat
of my parents- кот моих родителей.
My friend
My mother’s bag
My parents’ cat

2. to

• предлог to соответствует
русскому дательному
I gave a pencil to my friend

3. by

• предлог by соответствует русскому
творительному падежу, употребляется в
пассивном залоге:
The book was read by the student
Student read the book

4. with

• предлог with соответствует русскому
творительному падежу, обозначает
предмет, которым производится действие:
I drew a picture with the pencil
draw – drew - drawn

5. In

• 1) «места» - переводится как предлог «в»:
I live in Derby
• 2) «времени» (перед месяцами и годами):
I was born in 1990 (19 90)
• 3) «времени» - переводится как предлог
«через»: I will be there in 5 minutes
• 4) «времени» - переводится как предлог
«в течении, за»: This house was built in two

6. Present Perfect

• He _____ (finish) training.
• She _____ (score) twenty points in the match.
• We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches
this season.
• That's amazing! She _____ (run) fifteen kilometers this
• She _____ (buy) some really nice rollerblades!
• Oh, no! I _____ (lose) my money!
• My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen
• Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!

7. Present Perfect

I’m tired. I _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.
Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film!
Mary _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.
Oh no! She _____ (drop) the plate!
The garden is very green. It _____ (rain) a lot this month.
These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them for
five years.
Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three years.
They _____ (live) in Miami for two years.
Jo has earache. He _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.
Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.


0 Zero, Null
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
11 Eleven
12 Twelve
13 Thirteen
14 Fourteen
15 Fifteen
16 Sixteen
17 Seventeen
18 Eighteen
19 Nineteen
20 Twenty
21 Twenty-one
22 Twenty-two
30 Thirty
40 Forty
50 Fifty
60 Sixty
70 Seventy
80 Eighty
90 Ninety
100 One hundred
200 Two hundred
1000 One thousand
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