Stem cells therapy
Diseases at which stem cells ineffective
Stem cell research in different countries:
Interesting experiment
Advances in Stem Cell Research
Advances in Stem Cell Research
Category: medicinemedicine

Stem cells therapy

1. Stem cells therapy

Used at the most different diseases:
nervous system, including a stroke, traumas of
spine and cerebrum, heart attack of
Stem cells can provide dopamine- a chemical
lacking in victims of Parkinson’s disease, renew
blood and bones after chemotraphy, and grow
skin from a patient’s plucked hair.

2. Diseases at which stem cells ineffective

Diabetes of 1 type
Cancer, oncology

3. Stem cell research in different countries:

Countries colored in
brown represent
about 3.5 billion
people, more than
half the world's
population. All have
a permissive or
flexible policy on
human embryonic
stem cell research
and all have banned
human reproductive

4. Interesting experiment

For mice artificial appearance was cause
a stroke, whereupon entered them own
cells in a spinal channel. In 100% cases
mice had partial renewal of motive activity
of extremities.

5. Advances in Stem Cell Research

Mice testing have led scientists to develop an
alternative way of extracting embryonic stem
cells without destroying the embryo.
Initially human embryonic stem cells would be
extracted from the embryo in a stage called
“blastocyst” where inner cell mass would be
removed and the embryo would be destroyed.
But recently scientists used mice to derive
embryonic stem cells, the fertilized mouse egg
divides three times into eight cells before entering
“blastocyst” stage, one of these cells can be
extracted and cultivated in a medium (glassware)
forming embryonic cells.

6. Advances in Stem Cell Research

Stem Cells extracted from human bone marrow and
then transplanted to diabetic mice has helped mice
produce insulin in their pancreas thus curing them of
diabetic problems.
Mice were also tested to cure blindness, many
scientists used stem cells extracted during the
embryonic or adult process and matured them to
become precursor cells these particular cells helped
cure blindness in mice.

7. References
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