Shortest Paths

Shortest Paths

1. Shortest Paths

1. Dijkstra’s algorithm.
2. The Bellman-Ford algorithm.
3. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm.


Dijkstra’s algorithm
are given:
source vertex s;
the weight weight (u, v) of each edge (u, v);
to calculate:
for each vertex v the shortest-path weight sp(s, v);
=> shortest[v]
the vertex preceding v;=> pred[v]


Dijkstra’s algorithm


Dijkstra’s algorithm
the situation at time 0
shortest[s]= 0


Dijkstra’s algorithm
at time 4
shortest[y]= 4, pred[y]= s


Dijkstra’s algorithm
at time 5
shortest[t]=5, pred[t]= y


Dijkstra’s algorithm
at time 7
shortest[z]=7, pred[z]= y


Dijkstra’s algorithm
at time 8
shortest[x]=8, pred[x]=t


Dijkstra’s algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm works a little differently. It
treats all edges the same.
Dijkstra’s algorithm works by calling the RELAX
procedure once for each edge.



Dijkstra’s algorithm
A set Q is a set of vertices for which the final
shortest and pred values are not yet known.
All vertices not in Q have their final shortest and
pred values.
In the step 1 shortest[s] = 0, shortest[v] = ∞ for all
other vertices, and pred[v] = NULL for all vertices.


Dijkstra’s algorithm
A set Q is a set of vertices for which the final
shortest and pred values are not yet known.
All vertices not in Q have their final shortest and
pred values.
In the step 1 shortest[s] = 0, shortest[v] = ∞ for all
other vertices, and pred[v] = NULL for all vertices.
Algorithm repeatedly finds the vertex u in set Q
with the lowest shortest value, removes that
vertex from Q, and relaxes all the edges leaving u.


Dijkstra’s algorithm
Question 1: How does the algorithm find new
paths and do the relaxation?
Question 2: In which order does the algorithm
process the vertices one by one?


Dijkstra’s algorithm
Answer to Question 1: How does the algorithm
find new paths and do the relaxation?
Finding new paths. When processing a vertex u,
the algorithm will examine all vertices v from array
of vertices of adjacent of u (v∈
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