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Endangered species ofanimals in Russia.
INTRODUCTIONThe last time the Red Book of Russia was rewritten
was in 2021 – this was the first update of the
document in the last 20 years. At that time, 158 new
species, subspecies and populations of animals
were added to it. At the same time, 122 names were
excluded. As a result, 433 objects of the animal
world are listed in the Red Book today.
Amur TigerThe Amur tiger is the largest tiger on the
planet. The length of its body reaches
two meters, the height at the withers is
about 120 centimeters, the length of its
tail is one meter. The weight of an adult
animal can reach 300 kilograms. The
Amur tiger's coat is thicker and lighter
than that of other tigers. The main coat
color in winter is orange, and the belly is
white. This is the only subspecies of the
tiger, whose representatives have a fivecentimeter layer of fat on their belly,
protecting them from the chilling wind at
extremely low temperatures. The Amur
tiger lives in southeastern Russia, along
the banks of the Amur and Ussuri,
northeast China (Manchuria), and north
Korea. It feeds exclusively on animal
food. He is able to eat up to 30 kilograms
of meat in one sitting, and his daily
allowance is nine to ten kilograms. The
life expectancy of the Amur tiger in the
wild is 16-18 years, in captivity — up to
25 years.
Musk deer(Kabarga)Musk deer is a small artiodactyl deer-like animal.
Body length — up to 1 m, tail — from 4 to 6 cm,
height at the withers — up to 70 cm, weight — 1118 kg (female is slightly smaller). The hind legs
are unusually long, so the standing musk deer
has a rump 5-10 cm above the withers. Unlike
deer, it has no horns. Males have long curved
canines protruding from under the upper lip by 79 cm. The musk deer's coat is thick and long, but
brittle. The color is reddish-brown, yellow-brown
or brown, white from below. Indistinct light gray
spots are scattered on the sides and on the back
of young animals.
Sea Lion(Sivuch)The sea lion is the largest representative of the
family of eared seals, also known as the northern
sea lion. The body length of males varies between
300-350 cm, in females — up to 260 cm. The body
weight of males ranges from 500 to 1000 kg, the
average body weight of females is 350 kg. The
muzzle, neck and shoulder girdle are massive
(adult males have a mane), the flippers are long
and wide. The color ranges from light yellow on
the back to rusty brown on the belly. It lives on
the outskirts of the North Pacific Ocean from the
north of Japan through the Sea of Okhotsk and
the Bering Sea to California.
The Far Eastern TurtleThe Far Eastern turtle (Pelodiscus maackii) is a
species of freshwater turtle from the family of
three—headed turtles. Medium-sized, with a
strongly flattened body shape. The maximum
length of the carapace is up to 35 cm on the
limbs. three well-defined claws. Swimming
membranes are well developed. The head is small,
with a proboscis and nostrils at its end.
Distribution: it is widespread in Primorye (the
basin of Lake Khanka) and the Amur region.
Lifestyle: it lives in freshwater reservoirs — large
and small rivers and lakes, old trees, it is found in
rice fields. 14 Rarely leaves the water, never
moving far from the shore. Food: predator, feeds
on fish, amphibians, crustaceans, insects,
mollusks and worms. Life expectancy: up to 25
ManulManul (Pallas's cat) is a predatory mammal of the
felidae family. 12 Looks and sizes similar to a
domestic cat, but differs in shorter massive body
and paws, round pupils, low ears, and long thick
fur. The length of the head and body ranges from
46 to 65 cm, the length of the tail is from 21 to 31
cm, the weight is 2-5 kg. The fur of the manul is
the fluffiest and thickest among cats, has an
uneven color, usually gray, and on some parts of
the body it is reddish or ochreous. Manul inhabits
a vast territory in Asia: from Western Iran and
Armenia, in a number of regions of Central Asia
and the Asian part of Russia (to Transbaikalia), as
well as on the territory of Mongolia and Tibet. It
feeds mainly on pipits and rodents. The shelter is
arranged in crevices of rocks or in burrows of
other animals
DzerenThe dzeren is a hoofed animal of the genus Dzeren of the
family Polorogi. Body weight: adult males 24-45 kg, in
late autumn — up to 52 kg, females 20-38 kg (up to 36
kg). Body length: males 105-148 cm, females 110-127 cm.
Height at the withers: males 62-84 cm, females 54-77 cm,
tail length 9-12 cm. Males have dark gray or black horns
18-28 cm long, slightly tilted back, and females have no
horns. Tail: short, about 10 cm long, light, large mirror,
goes above the tail. An extremely small species of
antelope represented in Russia. Males have hollow black
horns, while females lack them. Today, there is a Federal
Program for breeding this species of ungulates on the
basis of the Daursky Reserve. But the persecution of
animals by poachers and an increase in seasonal
precipitation still raise concerns among biologists.
Scientists believe that these factors may cause animals
to move to the nearest territories, in particular to
Horseshoe batHorseshoe bats are a genus of bats from the horseshoe
family. They belong to the most primitive representatives
of the bat suborder. The genus was named for the skincartilaginous outgrowths around the nostrils, resembling
a horseshoe. The outgrowths serve to form a beam of
echolocation signals that the horseshoes emit through
the nostrils.Horseshoe bears have broad wings, usually
folded like the bellows of a harmonica. At the time of
flight, they range from 19 to 50 cm in span, depending on
the species. The tail is included in the femoral
membrane, and at rest it is directed towards the back.
Two pairs of limbs. The hind legs are long, with curved
and very sharp claws. Thanks to them, horseshoes cling
to surfaces — walls and ceilings of their shelters.The
body size ranges from 2.8 to 11 cm, weight varies from 6
to 150 g. The color of the fur is usually gray-brownish,
monochrome, sometimes a little brighter, closer to red.
There are also albinos. The eyes are small, and the ears
on the contrary are large, erect, diamond-shaped and
without a tragus (a small cartilage covering the ears)
IrbisThe irbis is a large predatory mammal of the
felidae family that lives in the mountains of
Central Asia. He lives exclusively in cold climates.
The beast is squat, body length is 105-130 cm,
height is 60 cm, weight is 40-55 kg. Characteristic:
a long tail (90-105 cm), wide paws, thick long gray
hair with a brown tinge. Dark rings and spots are
visible on the general background. The beast has
small, rounded ears that hide in the fur in winter.
There are long white vibrissae on the muzzle.
Thick winter wool allows you to hunt in the cold,
to guard your prey while lying in the snow. He
goes hunting in the morning or evening twilight,
during the day he rests or sleeps in a den on the
rocks. In the diet: ungulates, sometimes ground
squirrels, birds. A hungry beast attacks livestock.
Indian porcupineThe Indian porcupine in Russia is one of the
largest rodents. Features: Needles for protection
from enemies have a flimsy attachment to the
body. Those needles, whose length reaches about
40 cm, fall out of the skin especially easily.
Shorter ones — from 15 to 30 cm — are stronger
and sharper. The needles inside are hollow, which
allows the Indian porcupine to easily stay on the
water and be an excellent swimmer. Lifestyle:
nocturnal animal, spends the day in a cave or
burrow. It digs holes up to 10 m long and up to 4
m deep. Nutrition: eats a variety of plant foods.
WeaselThe weasel is found almost everywhere in Russia, mainly
where there are many mouse—like rodents - in fields,
thickets of grass, shrubs, overgrown cuttings, on the
edges of the forest. Appearance: the male's body length
reaches 26 centimeters, tail — up to nine centimeters,
body weight — up to 250 grams. The female is noticeably
smaller: body length — up to 20 centimeters, tail — up to
six centimeters, weight — up to 120 grams. The color of
the animal's fur varies seasonally: in winter it is all snowwhite, the rest of the time it is brownish-brown on the
upper side of the body. Lifestyle: leads a twilightnocturnal lifestyle. A very agile animal, it runs, climbs
and swims well. It is able to crawl through narrow cracks
into any secluded places — even into mouse holes,
where it not only searches for prey, but also makes its
home. Diet: the basis of nutrition is rodents (mice,
jerboa, hamsters, moles, rats). In addition, the weasel
hunts snakes, frogs, various insects, chickens, pigeons
and other small animals.
Przewalski's horsePrzewalski's horse is a squat, large—headed
animal with a short standing mane, a powerful
neck, small ears and a typically donkey tail. The
coat is colored sandy-red. The legs are dark
brown or covered with dark zebra stripes. The
body length of horses is 200 cm, height is up to
135-136 cm, and weight is about 250-300 kg. Large
stallions can weigh up to 350 kg. Przewalski's
horse has a strong, dense build with welldeveloped bones and muscles. The head is large,
the ears are small, pointed, mobile, and the eyes
are small. The neck is straight and thick. The
withers are slightly pronounced, the back is short,
straight, the croup is usually oval in shape, well
muscled, the chest is quite wide and deep. The
hooves are strong and well-shaped.
Mednovsky Arctic FoxThe Mednovsky Arctic Fox is a small subspecies of
arctic fox, endemic to the island of Medny, part of the
archipelago of the Commander Islands.Size: the
Mednovsky Arctic fox is very small, weighing up to 3
kilograms, with an average body length of 55-70 cm. It
has fur on the pads of its paws. Coat: the color of the
Arctic fox fur varies depending on the time of year: in
winter — long, white, with a blue tint, in summer — short,
brown-red-gray.Nutrition: it feeds on fish and
invertebrates, which are usually thrown out by the sea,
on land it hunts rodents and birds, often eats berries and
even carrion.Lifestyle: often lives in families, but there
are also singles. They spend the night wherever they
can, as they can move away from their homes for long
distances when hunting. In winter, in severe frosts, when
it is already cold to sleep in the snow, they dig holes and
hide there from the cold.Reproduction: the Mednovo
Arctic foxes are polygamous: during the mating season
they form families consisting of a male, an adult female
and two young females.
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