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My cherished dream
We all different: kind or cruel, emotional or well-balanced, open-minded or shy,serious or light-minded, patient or spiky, generous or selfish…But everyone has a
heart, a soul and a mind. And this means that all people need dreams and wishes.
Dreams help us to overcome the difficulties in our life; they give us the opportunity
to forget about all problems; they make us better, more sensitive, sincere and
romantic. Dream is a hope! Dream is a magic fairy-tale! Dream is our internal
world…especially our cherished dream!
In my childhood I was asimple little girl as
well as other
children. I was
interested in reading
fairy-tails and
imagined myself in a
magic world. If my
memory doesn’t fail
me, when I was about
five or six years old, I
was dreaming about
handsome prince on
the horse. He had to
rescue me from a
wicked magician and
then married me.
The time passed. Now I am 17years old. But I still believe in
my dreams, my childish
dreams. I prefer to dream on
the evenings, before a sleep.
I like such moments when I’m
alone and can think of
everything or everybody I
want. Nobody trouble me,
advise me or something else.
I am free in my dreams and it
is great!
And now I’d like to tell you some words aboutmy dreams. My head is overcrowded with
different dreams. But, fortunately, I can select
the main ones. Of course, now I can start to
describe my dreams about the piece in the whole
world, about the life without wars, famine, evil
and violence. But I realize that unhappily it’s
impossible. To tell the truth, our world is cruel,
there are more dark colors than light. And I had
to understand that my iridescent dreams will
remain just dreams. I wish I changed something!
Unluckily, I cannot…
So, I decided to dream about more real things. As for my vital values, they are:successful career, self-realization, money and loving husband. If I have all of it, I
shall be happy. And exactly happiness is my cherished dream! And I shall do
everything to be happy! As for me, I need next things. As a matter of fact, I want my
parents, grandmother, brother and other relatives to be healthy. I can say with a
confidence that if the member of my family were ill or unhappy, I should not be glad.
I love my family and it much signifies for me.
But now let me tell you about my own dreams. Maybe, they arestrange a little, but they are mine. And I believe them to come true!
One of my cherished dreams is riding a horse. Maybe, the reason of
this dream is my romantic nature. I always watch those film episodes
over and over where the main heroes ride. I adore such films as
“Three nuts for Cinderella”, “d'Artagnan and Three Musketeers”, “In
Search of the Captain Grant”, “Runaway Bride”, because there are a
lot of riding in them. The scenes with the horses are so keen,
grandiose, beautiful and majestic! I have already tried to ride, but it
was only several times, and the horse was going, not running. You
know, when I was on the horse back at first time, I felt myself very
free and confidently like a professional horse-woman. And now I am
sure that riding is really for me. I imagine myself in a helmet and with
a bridle in my hands. It will be interesting…
My second dream is also very unusual andeccentric. Probably every girl wants to be a princess.
She wishes to wear a smart dress, crystal fancy
shoes and a crown. Every girl needs a charm. And I
am not an exception. Most of all in my life I want to
go to the Viennese ball which can give me an
opportunity to be a princess some hours. Of course,
there are some other reasons of such dream. I have
been attending dances since my early childhood.
Dances are very important and dear for me. As long
as I can remember myself I always take part in
different competitions, perform on the stage, make a
hair-do, buy a ball dress and dance, dance,
dance…This world is close to me. Dances can be
tender, passionate, timid, flying, fiery, stormy… And
it is only a little part of all epithets.
Another reason is my love to the books. I prefer to read different literature,but most of all I am fond of novels, classics and historical books. And
sometimes I want to appear in the 16-th or 17-th century. I wish I were in
Pushkin epoch and went to the ball there! When I read “Piece and War” by
Tolstoy, I was travelling from page to page. I was dancing with Bolkonskiy at
the ball as if I was there. Sweet dreams! I believe that one of these days my
dream will come true and I shall be dancing at the ball like princess. And I
know that I shall wear a delightful blue dress, lace gloves and elegant shoes.
And I shall be the happiest person in the world!
in conclusion i’d like to say: neverpart with your cherished dreams!
They are your best friends, your
protection and, maybe, your
future. If we have dreams, we
have a stimulus to achieve a
success, improve ourselves and
strive for the happy life. Walt
disney said, “if you can dream it,
you can do it!” it’s true! dreams
lead us to the happiness.
Dream when you're feeling blue.Dream, that's the thing to do.
So, dream when the day is through.
Dream and they might come true.
Things never are as bad as they seem,
So dream, dream, dream…
Frank Sinatra – Dream