Category: englishenglish

Здравствуй лето! 5 класс


Тема: Здравствуй лето!
5 класс


John Smith
London, UK
Dear John,
It was nice to read a letter from you. Hope you are OK now. In
June I visited London!
We went to various excursions. I found more about London. We
spent a lot of time walking. Hope we saw the Tower and the
Tower Bridge. And you and I could meet so you could show me
I think that the summer was good for me and for you. How about
you? Write me back.
Your friend,


Верно ли составлено предложение «Mike likes
traveling on ship»?


Определите виды отдыха, которые
предлагает реклама А-Е, используя
аудиозапись, и впишите ключевые слова в
means of


Диагностическое задание
Составьте перечень летних занятий, используя известную
структуру «I would like to …»
Например: I woul like to travel by plane.


Назовите предложения, которые имеют
будущее время и укажите его номер.
1.Granny went to the shop.
2.Mummy will cook a special food.
3.I don't like bananas.
4.Will you go with me.
5.Frank won't visit his parents.
6.Monkeys jumped around the tree.
7.I will go hiking in June.
8.This summer we will sunbathe.
9.Dad always works on Saturdays.
10.John usually go fishing with his friends.
11.I want to windsurf this summer.
Назовате номера из данных предложений, которые
являются отрицательными, утвердительным и


Поставьте глаголы в скобках в будущее время,
чтобы предложения были в Future Simple.
I don't think I (pass) the exam.
I think John (become) a doctor.
I don't think Laura ( help) you with this exercises.
I'm sure Tony (open) his own business one day.
I don't think she ( meet) us at the airport.
I think Ann (miss) her plane.


Диагностическое задание
Составьте и напишите в тетради список занятий, на
предстоящее лето, используя Future Simple.


Письмо Сью другу Славе.
Slava Il’in
Moscow, Russia.
Dear Slava,
It was nice from you to write me a letter. Hope you are OK. This August I
will go to my granny. She lives in Wales.
Основная часть
I will spend 2 weeks at her house. We will go fishing with her. Maybe I will
cook granny’s favorite pie. We will go hiking and I hope granddad will
let us sleep in tents.
I think my trip will be the best. What will you do in the end of summer?
Write back.


Прочитайте два письма и определите которое из них
неофициальное. Ответ обоснуйте.
Mr Nikolay Roshin
Jane Smith
Edinburgh, Scotland
Office 2002, Entrance 1B
Tverskaya Street
Moscow Dear Jane,
RUSSIA 20 June 2004 How are you doing? I’m just writing to let you know that
Dear Nikolay,
everything is all right now. This is a nice quiet place
I'm writing to you in regard of your enquiry. Please find
I walk a lot, but Phil just spends his time reading newspapers
enclosed our information pack which contains our brochures
and writing business letters. Sometimes we are going for a
and general details on our schools and summer centres.
walk together.
In England we have а schools in Brighton. I am sure you and Last week I went to the nearest park.I saw a lot of squirrels,
your students will like. Our school is located in attractive
they were so noisy and begged for food all the time. I gave
place, in city center. Brighton is a clean and safe town with a them all the peanuts that I had. There is also a small pond at
beautiful bay and countryside nearby.
the park with ducks and beautiful water lilies.
Accommodation is provided in host families chosen for the
ability to provide comfortable homes, a friendly welcome and Next week I will start writing my new book, and it’s going to
a suitable environment, in which students can practice
be very hard work. That is all for now.
English and enjoy their stay.
Give my regards to Peter and the family. I look forward to
Please complete and return the enclosed registration form in
hearing from you soon.
order to receive more brochures and other promotional
Your loving sister,
I look forward to hearing from you and later hope to welcome Ann
your students to our schools and summer centres.
Yours sincerely,
Tomas Green
Managing Director


Определите предложение,которое
соответстует элементу письма и ответ
обозначьте парой,исплоьзуя цифру и букву.
Например: 1- с
Parts of a letter
1. How are you?
a. Address
2. Write me soon.
b. Greetings
3. Hello Tom,
c. Introduction
4. Dublin 2, Ireland
d. Main Body
5. We will go to the park
e. Conclusion
6. Yours Mark
f. Sign


Диагностические задания: Слайд 12
Прочитайте предложения из письма другу и поставьте номер
каждого предложения в квадратик в таком порядке, чтобы
получился текст неофициального письма.
I with my parents will go to Turkey. We will sunbathe on a beach.
I will try scuba diving. I hope we will go hiking.
Julia Volkova.
Moscow, Russia.
I was glad to read a drop from you. How are you? I think my
summer will be great.
Dear Julia,
See you soon.


Информативный вариант
Помогите Пете написать неофициальное письмо, используя
глаголы в Future Simple.
Dear John,
It was nice to read a letter from you. Hope you are OK now. In June
I _____(visit) London!
We _____(go) to various excursions. I_____(find out) more about
London. We_____(spend)a lot of time walking. Hope we
_____(see) the Tower and the Tower Bridge. And you and I can
meet so you can show me more.
I think that the summer will be good for me and for you.
Your friend,


Импровизационный вариант
Исправьте ошибки в неофициальном письме Пети, чтобы оно
было в будущем времени. Для этого используйте Future
Dear John,
It was nice to read a letter from you. Hope you are OK now. In June
I visited London!
We went to various excursions. I found more about London. We
spent a lot of time walking. Hope we saw the Tower and the
Tower Bridge. And you and I could meet so you could show me
I think that the summer was good for me and for you.
Your friend,


Эвристический вариант
Напишите неофициальное письмо другу о своих
намерениях на предстоящее лето.


I. Задание на самоанализ.
Закончите предложения:
1 Мне важно уметь использовать простое будущее время,
потому что……
2. Чтобы написать неофициальное письмо,
рассказывающее о планах на будущее без ошибок,
нужно ………….


II. Задание на самооценку
Закончите предложения:
Я доволен(льна) ………………..(очень, не очень)
неофициальным письмом другу, которое сделал
…………..…………(сам, с помощью одноклассника,
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