Презентация к уроку 7v Тема: «Eco-helpers» (учебник ‘Spotlight’ 7класс авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Подоляко, Д. Ваулина)
Category: englishenglish

Eco-helpers. 7 класс

1. Презентация к уроку 7v Тема: «Eco-helpers» (учебник ‘Spotlight’ 7класс авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Подоляко, Д. Ваулина)

учитель английского языка
первой категории
ГБОУ Школа №1909
Чувашкина М.А.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents.

plant flowers
recycle cans
collect rubbish
build nesting boxes
teach the cycle of life
clean out a pond
read a book about
строить домики для
читать книгу по
сажать цветы
чистить пруд
собирать мусор
подвергать вторичному
использованию банки
преподавать цикл

3. Look at the picture at p. 78, and correct the sentences.

Sally is teaching the cycle of life.
Dave is reading a book about ecology.
Tim is collecting rubbish.
Jane is planting flowers.
John is cleaning out a pond.

4. Read the sentences and transform them into the present perfect continuous tense.

Jane is teaching the cycle of life.
Rose is cleaning out a pond.
Dave is planting flowers.
Tim is building nesting boxes

5. Label the pictures.

a ladder
a hammer and nails
a spade
a watering can
a rake
a net
gardening gloves
a plastic bag

6. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.

Sally ___________________for a month.
Dave’s been_____________________.
The birds will leave the city if_________.
Tim wants to ______on Monday morning.

7. Fill in with live, life, leave and live [laiv].

It is my dream to _______ in New York.
We are _______ for London on April 5.
___________ is not all cakes and ale.
I like watching _______ commentaries.

8. Read the examples. How do we form question tags? Find examples in the dialogue in Ex. 3a.

He works in the camp, doesn’t he?
She can’t come, can she?



11. Complete the question tags.

Rose is cleaning out the pond,
Andy has been reading a book for 15
minutes, __________________?
Sally is collecting rubbish, ______________?
They study at a secondary school,
You can speak three languages,
He has passed the exam,

12. Read the study box. Find examples of (absence of) necessity in the dialogue.

I have to take the dog for a walk before I leave.
(it is necessary)
It is Saturday – I don’t have to go to school
today. (it is not necessary)

13. What does/doesn’t Roger have to do?

1. Order more trees done!
2. Call the recycling centre
3. Tidy the eco-library Sally & Andy
4. Clean out the clubhouse
5. Buy more wood and nails next week
6. Give out membership cards

14. What do/don’t you have to do today?

15. Использованные ресурсы:

Английский в фокусе. Spotlight 7 класс
Издательство: Просвещение Год: 2009
English     Русский Rules