Урок английского языка для 5 класса по теме «С днём рождения!»
Опиши картинку по вопросам
Match the numbers.
Make a dialogue
Чтение гласных
Which gift do you want? Choose and say.
What would/will you choose…?
Reading the text.
Reading the text.
It is Queen Elizabeth II. She is on the British throne now.
Write a birthday card
Sing a song!
Category: englishenglish

С днём рождения! Урок английского языка для 5 класса

1. Урок английского языка для 5 класса по теме «С днём рождения!»

Автор: Т.Н.Давыдова, учитель
английского языка
МБОУ Игримская СОШ №1
2012-2013 уч. год


Опиши картинку по вопросам
Who is there in
the picture?
Where is he?
What special day is
it? Why do you think
How old is he?
How do you know?
How does he feel?

3. Опиши картинку по вопросам

Match the numbers.
1. The twenty–second of
2. The twenty-first of
3. The thirteenth of April.
4. The fifth of June.
5. The ninth of August.
a) 21.04
b) 22.06
c) 09.08
d) 05.06
e) 13.04

4. Match the numbers.

keys: 1b 2a 3e 4d 5c


Make a dialogue
- My birthday is on the _______ of ________.
When is your birthday?
- My birthday is on the _______ of ________.

6. Make a dialogue

Чтение гласных

7. Чтение гласных

Which gift do you want?
Choose and say.
A birthday cake
A turtle
A picture
A ticket to the circus
A bird
A new shirt
A new skirt
A furbie
A purse
A perfume
A furry-пушистый питомец
A virtual pet

8. Which gift do you want? Choose and say.

What would/will you choose…?

9. What would/will you choose…?

Reading the text.
• Стр. 140 у.3

10. Reading the text.

• Стр.138.у 1

11. Reading the text.

It is Queen Elizabeth II.
She is on the British throne now.

12. It is Queen Elizabeth II. She is on the British throne now.

Write a birthday card
Happy birthday to Your
Majesty, Elisabeth II!
You turn eighty-seven
on the 21st of April.
Have a great day,
birthday girl!
You are a perfect Queen!
Best wishes from ______.

13. Write a birthday card

Sing a song!
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Elisabeth,
Happy birthday to you!

14. Sing a song!

Write a birthday card to your friend
Many happy returns of the day to
_______ on her birthday. You turn
_______on the ________of ________ .
Have a great time, birthday girl (boy)!
From __________
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