Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме «Hello, Dr Drew!»

Hello, Dr Drew! Урок английского языка в 6 классе

1. Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме «Hello, Dr Drew!»

Выполнила учитель английского языка
Пермякова Юлия Николаевна

2. Read the rhyme

Early to bed
Early to rise
Makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise.
Кто рано ложится и рано встает,
здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.

3. Look at the pictures and answer: What is the topic of our lesson?

4. Hello, Doctor Drew!

1. Введение и отработка лексики по теме
2. Закрепим прошедшее время Past Simple
3. Послушаем и научимся петь песню
«Hello, Doctor Drew»

5. Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after me. (read the words one by one)

To have/get flu- заболеть гриппом
To have/get a cold- простудиться
I have a headache- у меня болит голова
a sore throat- горло
a toothache- зубная боль
a stomachache- боль в желудке
An earache- боль в ухе
Broken leg- сломанная нога
To cough – кашлять
To be ill -болеть

6. Read and help Agent Cute to find the robber. Use toothache, stomache,sore throat, headache, broken leg, earache, cold, flu

(book p.211 ex.2)
Model:Dear Boss! Mr Jones
has a headache.
Mr Clark has a...
Mr Book has a...
I Mr Spook has an...
Mr Pale has a...
Mr Cool has a...
Mr Fine has...
Mr Dull has a...
Mr Slim has a...
The robber is
Mr ..., because...

7. Look at the pictures: Why are all the people ill? What did they do yesterday? (p.212 ex.3)

for 1st group (2,3,4,5)
Mr Jones has a
headache, because
his neighbours had a
party yesterday and
he couldn 't sleep.

8. Group 2. (6,7,8,9)

9. Let’s have a rest!

10. Open books at page 213 ex.4 Look at the song and listen the 1st part, read.

Hello, Doctor Drew! This is Jenny Boat.
I went for a walk without my warm coat,
And now I'm coughing and have a sore
I have a bad headache, my forehead is
Is this a cold I got?

11. Answer the questions in groups

1st group
2nd group
What are
What's the
matter with
Jenny? Is it a
cold or is it flu ?
Why is she ill?
What advice
can you give

12. Look at the song and listen the 2nd part, read.

Hello, Jenny Boat!
This is Doctor Drew.
You don't have a cold, but you have flu.
I'll tell you exactly what you must do:
Juices and tea will be good for you,
And honey with milk can help too.

13. Answer the questions.

1. What does Jenny have?
She has…….
2. What must she do?
She must drink……….eat……..
Listen the song and sing.

14. The cards with the table. Answer: Were you ill? Make a story about it.

I was ill
days ago, weeks
ago, last week, last
I had
A sore throat, a
headache, a cold,
I was ill because
eat a lot of ice
cream, hot dogs,
listen loud music
I couldn’t
play football, go to

15. Evaluation sheet. (Оцени себя)

Reading of the
Reading of the text
Work with the
sing the song
Very good
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