Category: softwaresoftware

Device Port of the Port - hole project


Project idea:
All unique content is
united by the effect of
the illusion of space
behind the wall, which
will be created by a
display provided with
technologies and
The Port-hole project proposes to create your own (i.e., with limited access) vast array of
Internet content, subordinated to one idea and consisting of various kinds of resources with
its own display tool that provides access to it and the Smart Guy - a digital person working for
the benefit of of its user in its service apartments.


At the very beginning, I would like to say that the idea of this product was born
after a thorough analysis of the state of affairs in all sectors of the IT and
electronics markets: this is the PC and mobile devices market (what are the
conveniences and disadvantages of existing devices); this is the market for
software products and applications, including virtual assistants; this is the
content (quality and presentation format); it's also the nascent realm of the
metaverse with its device market.
As a result of this painstaking work, a vision of a universal diverse device was
born - the quintessence, so to speak, of innovations that neutralized all the
identified omissions and implemented their own ideas, moreover, using real
achievements in some areas in the IT field.
Currently, all components of the project have been thoroughly developed to
the level of “take it and do it”


The idea of the device, or
rather the idea of its oval
display, is as follows: a form
stylized as a porthole to
create an impression
(illusion) of space behind the
wall for the viewer / user. Of
course, with the use of
appropriate software
technologies, for example,
SeeFront or Dimenco
technology. For what? The
entire video functionality of
the device will be associated
precisely with this property to create the illusion of space
behind the wall.


Dear colleagues, I present to you our
device Port of the Port-hole project:
wall-mounted, stationary,
multifunctional, for placement in the
place of the main pastime. Its
functionality covers three areas, from
which it is impossible to single out the
main or secondary:
- Port, as a joint support center under
the "management" of the digital
individual Egghead;
- Port, as a window to the virtual world to 3D spaces, to meta universes - as an
additional means of visualizing virtual
spaces for AR glasses and VR helmets;
- and the Port, as a window/porthole to
the real world - to the nature of our
Earth and the Universe, in map


Device Port and its
three compréhensive
All three directions are based on its distinctive feature: with its display imitating a porthole, create the illusion of a space
behind the wall in which (and this will be the first direction) will live and work for the benefit of the user, his home and family
- mega/meta assistant Umnik in the form a live, mobile and talkative virtual individual, which the User himself (or with his
family) will collect/create with his own hands and head. It should be said that as a tool for creating a virtual assistant, we
intend to use the well-known digital people constructor from Epic Game company. This unique virtual personality will exist
in its own service apartment and communicate from there with its Owner, with other household members and with any
people present in the room, performing the next assignment or conducting a dialogue on any topic.


- Phil, I can't see the remote control, look where it is? – Sam, the remote is in the kitchen, on the fridge.
- And where do you see my tablet? - Over there, on the windowsill.
- Phil, show the gate, how much snow has piled up. - Come on, Sam, let's see.
- Philya, launch a quadcopter on route number 3 and a picture here. - Understood, doing
- Hey, Phil, where is my child, why not at home? - Wait a minute, open the map.


Naturalness of interaction
- Sam, brother on the line...
- Understood, I'll answer myself (or: "take
- Phil, let's make an appointment with the
- Go choose the time
- Phil, where are you, what do I have for
- Listen …
- Sam, a neighbor came to us
- Open the gate/door for him
- Philya, invite our dog walker for tomorrow
at 8.00 am
- Okay, I'll call him tomorrow.
All body movements of our Umnik - Phil will be programmed through Motion capture in a
behavioral database and reproduced in a random order, but corresponding to the commands
and the Interaction Table.


What functions and tools will our Umnik
be endowed with in ensuring the work of
the Unified Support Center. Umnik will
have at his disposal a flexible system of
interaction developed by us in the form
of a voice (and not only) Table of settings
and control, in which the User will enter
all his questions / routes in all areas for
execution by himself and Umnik (in any
language, under the touchscreen, RC )
their interests (Communications, Health,
Security, Finance, Smart Home). In other
words, Umnik will ensure the User's
interaction on all fronts with the outside
world and the home world, while using
and managing the entire fleet of home
This, as you understand, is the main key difference between our “real” meta assistant and
all other faceless characters walled up in smart columns, limited in their capabilities by
several typical options from developers.


From car directions to Phil:
- Phil, open the gate for
Mark, he will drive up and
let him into the house
- Phil, buddy, I forgot, turn
on the floors on the
veranda, he will spend the
night with us
- And yet, Phil, prepare a
bathhouse for 22.00, we'll
take a steam bath with him
- Well, give Mark coffee, I'll
be there soon.


Our Port is a
worthy solution
and a convenient
means of
visualizing 3D
spaces in
addition to
existing AR
glasses and VR


In this part of the project, we also invite the entire global
community of groups interested in this topic to use our own MMI
platform, which allows you to create worlds in 4 dimensions, and
has its own crypto exchange, and its own currency tied to Ether.
Another direction of the project and device
covers the youngest, most promising and
most significant sphere today - the sphere of
Meta universes, since our Port is also a window
/ porthole into virtual / digital spaces behind
the wall of your house / apartment / office,
creating with its form and related technologies
the illusion of space behind the wall with the
effect of realistic virtuality (RV). Our Port is a
worthy solution and a convenient means of
visualizing spaces in addition to existing AR
glasses and VR helmets, which will allow you
not to go headlong into virtual worlds,
sometimes losing touch with reality, but only
effortlessly visiting these worlds outside the
wall of your house, being present inside the
worlds as a controlled avatar, or as a
participant in events from this side of the


Now the third direction is real worlds. And this is its distributing picture - we present our Port as a
window, as a porthole to the real worlds - to the world of nature of the planet Earth, to its underwater
kingdom and to the Universe - as a porthole of an aircraft, an underwater or a porthole of a space ship.


This part of the project
will require the creation
of appropriate resources
- this primarily concerns
the resource about the
Earth, since Space can be
represented by an
already existing product an amazing Space engine
simulator that shows
space in flight mode,
with the creator of which
we have a preliminary
agreement on


The idea of a resource about the Earth is multifaceted and
consists in creating several layers on the basis of an
interactive map, incl. and layers for social communications.
Read more about Map resource here Within the framework of
this short presentation, one can only briefly describe their
essence with names:
- "Earth in the window" - Different people and
organizations will post on the Web (on any video hosting)
their flights above the ground and dives under water, and on
the Map, with points passing into lines, show these places
and routes in exact coordinates, which will be be links to their
videos. Thus, all the beauties of the earth and its underwater
world in the motion mode will be collected on one resource
and presented with a picture of what is happening behind the
wall in the porthole with the effect of presence.
- "My Earth in real time" - This is a function of visual and
interior effect. The map will contain a selection of web
cameras installed in the most beautiful places on the planet
and broadcasting a picture 24/7, and through the porthole
the user will see this beauty in the mode now as an interior
decoration and additional emotions.


The entire underwater Earth will eventually be presented
through one display Port video clips with precise positioning
of filming sites (diving) and with the effect of presence: the
entire World Ocean in all its diversity will show its natural
beauty of underwater caves, lakes, rivers, streams, seas and
All the beauties of our Earth, taken from any aircraft in any
way, will be marked on the map with links (routes with
precise positioning) and provided for viewing through the
Port display. Over time, the resource of the planet will show
any of its territory from above, where the pilot's camera
flew and filmed.


My business circle – and the connections of my
Where I was and we were - where my friends and
their friends were


- Layer “We and our world”
– Global network of search and communication. Search on the world map for friends/like-minded
people/employees/partners in the submission:
I – I can/I am able/I am ready and II – I am looking for/needing/offering
Agree, seeing and searching for anyone’s needs in full and in video format on a map in the geography of
interests is much more convenient than using, say, the same service for Linkedin specialists.
- Layer - Photo/video cartographic archive or album “My and my friends’ travels” – “Archive”
The service will provide the user with the opportunity to keep all their photo/video materials in one place
(archive) with the collections displayed as dots on the map - places visited and sorted by time. The layer will
give access to the archives of friends or close circle people and will provide the opportunity for joint viewing
and communication when the user looks at the world map on which his friends are scattered and can
enter/go to the archive of any friend that friends create on the service for themselves personally and for
close circle access;
- Layer - “BUSINESS CARD/CONNECTIONS” - “My network of my partners and the networks of my
partners” A layer that will not contain photo/video materials, but will contain brief information about occupation and
other data with several levels of access.


The implementation of this ‫״‬physical
‫״‬and visual-psychological
interaction between the Umnik and
the User is planned to be carried out
either on MediaTek System-On-Chip
systems already mastered by the
industry, or by modifying existing
open source projects, for example,
based on RISC-V, for example, by
creating an analog of the All Winner
processor (based on RISC-V), which
allows you to run the Android OS on
the evaluation board and have
everything you need for interaction
(HDMI, Ethernet, USB). Regarding
the intended OS, it will be either
Android or Ubuntu-Mate.
For computer vision tasks, it is
planned to use the primitives of the
OpenCV library (2dFFT, Phase-only
Correlation, and others).


Website here
Thus, our device with its window-display will
open the adjacent space to the user, in which
a virtual personality created by him
personally with a mass of purely personal
possibilities and tolerances will “live and
serve” him.
And also, the Port will become a window to
the surreal worlds and to the real worlds
filled with their own content. Today we have
the right to talk about a new device with new
scenarios of human-machine interaction in
different (in all) areas of its concerns and
interests, giving new sensations with a huge
potential for everyday demand.
The implementation of the project will allow the company to create a global ecosystem
with its own social network and communication system, and the company itself will
become a major international corporation.
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