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Romanian cuisine
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Romanian cuisine is..
• an amazing combination of diverse
influences: Turkish, Hungarian, Albanian,
Greek and other culinary traditions. It is rich
in a variety of dishes that delight both locals
and tourists


Tripe soup
• Despite its name, this is one of the most delicious and
satisfying, but especially difficult to prepare dishes in the
soup category. Coming to Romanian lands from the
Ottoman Empire, it was modified by the Romanians by
adding lemon (or vinegar), vegetables and lots of garlic. In
the 17th century in the Bucharest area there was another
type of soup, almost similar to tripe soup, called "pacha", it
was made from legs of lamb or veal (also used today for
traditional soups) and complemented with egg and


• Another dish common in the Mediterranean basin, made
from minced meat (pork, lamb, beef, chicken, etc.) mixed
with rice and spices, then wrapped in cabbage (usually
pickled) or grapevine leaves, spinach, stevia or even
horseradish. There is also a dietary version of this dish, in
which meat is replaced with poultry. According to
tradition, the best sarma is cooked in clay pots, on the
bottom of which pieces of smoked zest, thyme leaves and
peppercorns are placed. In Romania, the most popular way
to serve sarma is with polenta and cream. It is served at
Christmas, Easter, and also during various church holidays.


• A specific dish for the Balkans of Serbian origin, brought to
a masterful level in Romania. Legend has it that it appeared
in this country in the 19th century. The day the cooks
discovered that they were out of meat, they put in the
minced meat and rolled it out right on the grill, ending up
with what we see in the photo. Typically, the dish is
prepared from several types of meat (beef, lamb, pork),
minced twice and then mixed with salt, baking soda,
thyme, allspice and other peppers, as well as cumin and a
decoction based on veal bones. Serve simply, with bread
and mustard, as well as cabbage salad, pickles, horseradish
or hot pepper.


Bird giblet soup
This is one of the most specific soups of traditional
Romanian cuisine. It is prepared only from poultry
(turkey, goose, chicken, duck, etc.), and the main feature
is sauerkraut, which associates the dish with our borscht in Romania it is used in the preparation of most soups.
The main ingredients, as the name suggests, are poultry
offal: wings, navels, paws, hearts, necks, etc.


Baked beans
One of the most common dishes, especially in rural areas,
it is also found on the menu of traditional restaurants.
Having stayed in Romania, you will understand that
“iahni” is a very filling and incredibly tasty main dish.
Served with a pork chop, smoked ribs or sausage (smoked
or fresh), it can be eaten with bread or polenta, and it also
goes great with pickles.


• This is an interesting interpretation of donuts, very popular
as a traditional dessert, especially on Romanian National
Day, just like the previous dish. They say that a Romanian
cannot spend this day without a portion of beans and


Thank you for your attention!


1. https://www.povarenok.ru/recipes/kitchen/62/
2. https://smapse.ru/chto-takoe-rumynskaya-kuhnya-instrukciya-k-primeneniyu
3. https://dzen.ru/a/YZfOtysaV1B5hWwP
4. https://www.km.ru/kukhnya/encyclopedia/rumynskaya-kukhnya
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