German cuisine
Category: englishenglish

German cuisine

1. German cuisine

2. Нistory

The history of German cuisine is very boring in its
beginning. This is due to the fact that in Germany during
the reign of Kaiser talk about the food was just as
shameful as sex or diseases. It is because of this ban for
years obedient Germans ate simple food, like boiled
potatoes flavored with a sauce kind of flour. By the way,
this sauce is used with all the dishes, be it vegetables, fish
or meat.

3. Features

German cuisine is characterized by a great variety of
dishes from a variety of vegetables, pork, poultry, game,
veal, beef and fish. Vegetables consumed a great deal,
especially in boiled form, as a side dish - cauliflower,
green beans, carrots, red cabbage, etc.

4. Bread

- another cornerstone of German cuisine. In modern
Germany can find more than 300 kinds of bread, baked to
a dark brown crust and rich in protein.

5. Pastry

The famous black forest cake is also a native of Germany. In the
culinary world have become part of German and other traditional
cakes such as Christmas Stollen cake and gingerbread
Lebkuchen. Also popular cookies with raisins soaked in brandy,
pflaumenkuchen (plum, coffee and almonds), sweet potatoes,
sweets and a variety of ice cream.

6. Snacks

Popular with Germans sandwiches with various fillings: butter,
cheese, sausage, syrkovoy weight, fish, etc. The range of snacks salads, vegetables, ham, sausages, sprats, sardines, herring
platters with a variety of sauces, meat and fish salads,
mayonnaise, etc.

7. First courses

Of the entrees are widespread variety of soups: the egg,
dumpling, rice and tomatoes, soup, noodles, soup of peas,
cauliflower, chicken and game. In some parts of Germany are
popular bread, beer soups. In winter especially nice thick meat
soups "ayntopfy."

8. Second courses

Another feature of the German food - widely used for
cooking side dishes natural meat. Such, for example,
burgers and steaks chops, fillet and steak in hamburg.
Also used in the chopped meat form. The fish is served
most often boiled and stewed.

9. Sweet dishes

are popular fruit salads of chopped fruits
that are sprinkled with powdered sugar and pour fruit
sauces or syrups (serves them badly chilled), compotes,
jellies, gels, mousses, puddings with all kinds of fruit
sauces, ice cream, fruit and certainly natural white

10. Breakfast

German breakfast consists mainly of orange juice,
freshly ground coffee, a piece of bread with jam, as well
as ham, salami and cheese for those who like something
more substantial. In the morning, the Germans prefer a
light snack, afternoon relies hot meal of several courses.

11. Drinks

In Germany, a lot of good beer. Some breweries strictly adhere to the law passed
back in 1871, according to which the German beer should be made only from hops
, malt , yeast and water. Any beers that have dominated the local market, not - as
the country with more than 1,200 breweries , microbreweries apart .
A large amount of foam in beer is a quality indicator for the Germans drink , so do
not be surprised when you are served with a big mug of foamy "cap" . In the north
of Germany, beer is usually served in a mug with 200 or 300 ml, in the south - a
half-liter mug. A pint of beer at the bar is an average of 2.5-3 euros, in the store two to two and a half times cheaper.
Pubs - a very popular place of leisure for many Germans. In Germany, they are
usually filled with people to work 19-20 hours and 2-3 hours of the night.
In addition to beer in Germany produces its own wine ( here , in Saxony -Anhalt ,
on the banks of the rivers Saale and Unstrut , is the most northerly wine-making
region in Europe) , cider , mulled wine and schnapps.
Use strong alcoholic beverages is permitted in Germany with 18, and beer or wine
- from the age of 16 .
From soft drinks Germans drink coffee and tea. The stores are also full of all sorts
of juices, mineralok and aerated .
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