Category: internetinternet

Medical resources of the Internet


Department:general medicine
Presentation: Medical resources of the Internet
Рrepared:Azat Tatymtaev student 1 course group 151
I checked it out:


The interaction of patients with their attending
physicians by e-mail is actively developing in the
United States. The patient has the opportunity to
regularly inform the doctor about his well-being,
make an appointment with him. The doctor can send
the patient a notification about the appointment and
his recommendations. This information is an integral
part of medical documentation — doctors are
required to include electronic correspondence with
patients in their medical history.



• The English National Register of Toxic Compounds (Registry of
Human Toxicology Data Bank) is used to ensure the safety of
people, primarily risk groups for occupational hazards. An
approach combining remote consulting with prompt receipt
of information from specialized databases can be especially
useful in situations caused by man-made disasters in chemical
industries.In the countries of the European Union, there are a
large number of ongoing and developing projects to create
multimedia databases of specific cases and databases of
medical knowledge (electronic libraries and atlases).


• By connecting to the Internet, the doctor can
receive:lists of articles published in medical journals
and their abstracts (from electronic libraries
Medline, Pubmed, etc.);information from the
Cochrane Library on Controlled Clinical Trials that
provide a normative approach to the comparative
evaluation of the results obtained;information on
the treatment of diseases; information about


• The company "Medicine without Borders" (Unbound
Medicine), together with the editorial board of the
British Medical Journal, launched the COGNIQ project,
which allows owners of handheld personal computers
to receive copies of articles in the field of treatment
based on the principles of evidence-based medicine
from the journal Clinical Evidence.Since 2000, the
World Health Organization has been creating a unified
network of scientific medical resources based on the


• This will help researchers from developing countries
to use the latest medical information in their work
and share their experiences. The project includes
the creation of websites and electronic versions of
leading scientific journals, the organization of
databases and online forums that will help unite
doctors around the world


Classification of medical resources and
Internet services
• Medical consultations. The bottom line is that a
certain number of doctors of different specialties
are registered on the pages of the Internet
resource. Registration means that the organizers of
the site check the documents on the professional
suitability of a specialist and only after that enter it
into the appropriate list. The site visitor can view
the list of specialists, get acquainted with the
description of their professional activities (length of
service, degree, practice in various medical
institutions, etc.) and, depending on the trust of a
particular doctor, ask him questions by e-mail.


• Electronic medical stores. This service is practically no
different from any other electronic store, except for the
specifics of the product. Electronic pharmacies are also
widespread. Often on such a site, the buyer has the
opportunity to find the nearest pharmacy from his
home, get information about medicines or order home
delivery by courier.
• Calling a doctor at home. Usually, the client leaves
information about the disease on the appropriate
server or indicates which specialist he needs.Reference
resources. These resources help visitors to get
information about various medical and preventive
institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, etc.), information
about various kinds of medical and social services (care,
rehabilitation, prosthetics, etc.), data on relevant
companies, etc.


• Professional resources. Such resources cover issues of
medical education, distance medical education
programs, contain databases of scientific papers and
dissertations, literary reviews for researchers, medical
reference books, etc.
• Popular scientific online medical journals. It contains
articles, tips, ratings of medical centers, individual
areas; advertising of medical services is given; a healthy
lifestyle is promoted; there are interactive discussions
• Socially oriented resources. This class includes
resources on social and preventive advertising on the
Internet, for example, on HIV infection prevention, etc.
This group also includes online schools (clubs, clubs,
etc.) for maintaining health, addressed primarily to
people with chronic diseases: bronchial asthma,
diabetes mellitus, musculoskeletal disorders, etc.)


According to the type of expected visitors
(“target audience"), the following resource
groups can be distinguished
• Group A is for patients (resources offering medical
reference information about various diseases, their
symptoms, methods of prevention or simple
“home” treatment, about doctors and institutions
providing appropriate medical care)
• Group B is for specialists of medical and diagnostic
departments (specialized medical information for
practical healthcare professionals and researchers,
which may be useful to them when conducting
preventive, therapeutic, diagnostic or rehabilitation


• Group D is for specialists of financial and economic
services and merchants (it offers products
necessary to support the activities of medical
institutions, such as equipment, medicines,
consumables, tools, communications, transport,
• Group E — for HR and job search specialists
(resources offering vacancies of institutions and
resumes of specialists)


List of evidence-based medicine websites
• The Cochrane Collaboration is an international Cochrane
collaboration and Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Library is
currently the most advanced electronic database necessary
for qualified medical practice. It is intended for everyone who
is interested in using high-quality information to make
decisions on health issues and in healthcare.
• Clinical evidence is a website developed by BMG Publishing
group. The information provides up-to-date knowledge about
prevention and treatment, but does not provide
recommendations. The website says: "We provide evidence,
you make decisions.“
• Best Evidence is one of the best databases on evidence—
based medicine, containing detailed abstracts and full-text
versions of systematic reviews with high quality methodology.


Kazakhstani websites
• 1MegaVision
• The first functioning online contact lens store! We
have the best manufacturers, high quality, low
prices! The global brand of Acuvue contact lenses
from Johnson and Johnson.
• 2SVS Medical - Medical portal of Kazakhstan.
• Our portal is designed for doctors, medical
professionals, patients, relatives and parents of


• The Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library
(RMEB) is a unified database that combines the
electronic resources of universities in Kazakhstan to
provide the teaching staff, undergraduate, graduate
and doctoral students with modern information
educational resources


• Sources: https://nsportal.ru, https://compress.ru,
https://www.medisorb.ru, https://studfile.net,
http://www.resurs.kz, https://krmu.edu.kz,
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