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News and social media monitoring
News and socialmedia monitoring
Platform for analyzing online
media field and social networks
News Monitor: Key TasksBased on AI and machine learning, News Monitor System provides
Real-time comprehensive analysis
analysis of current agenda and breaking news published in online
of current information agenda in
news and social networks (Instagram, Facebook* and Twitter*).
online media and social networks.
Regulating the necessary
topics for analysis.
Analysis of specific news items and
social media posts under request.
Data analysis and segmentation
based on tonality, topic and
*Currently in the development
News Analysis: MetricsQuantitative characteristics analyzable by the system:
Number of unique news resources for online media (domains).
Number of unique story titles in online media and social networks.
Variables for the analysis can be:
Tonality of news story and social media post.
Number of news stories and posts of a certain tonality on one domain
or one social network.
Percentage of news stories of different tonality for the selected period.
Dynamics in the percentage of tonalities for the selected period.
News Monitor System: FeaturesFilters
Filtering and sorting data
Displaying tonality markers and
by the necessary criteria.
matches with keyword indicators.
Interactive Reports
Full media field analytics with the
Displaying regional linking of the news
ability to export in Excel/PNG file.
and posts under keyword indicators.
Direct Links
Direct link to the original article on
Customized indication of the
domains and posts in social networks.
keyword and tonality for the news.
News Monitor Dashboard: FiltersKeywords
Searching news and posts
Filtering and sorting news
by keywords and tags.
stories by the tonality.
Time Period
Choosing the date range.
Domains and Social
Filtering and sorting data
Specifying the domain.
by the regional linking.
News Monitor Dashboard: FiltersChoose the necessary categories, online media domains, tonalities or time period.
News Monitor Dashboard: SearchKeyword highlighting search in English or Indonesian in all sources
at the same time or separately in a particular one.
News Monitor Dashboard: SearchKey phrase search in English or Indonesian.
Reordering of words in a key phrase when searching.
News Monitor: Analytics ChartsConstruction of interactive analytic charts for the
Displaying percentage of tonalities, tonality change withing a period.
selected period by tonality in news sources.
Export charts to PNG.
News Monitor Dashboard: KeysFind out how many times a keyword appeared in article headlines
and social media posts over all time or for a given period.
News Monitor Dashboard: ComparisonCompare percentage and number of items of tonalities of key words and phrases.
News Monitor Dashboard: DynamicsTrack the time dynamics of changes
in the sentiment of different keywords.
Add the required number of keywords
to compare time dynamics.
News Monitor: System Technical BasisDefinition of keywords
Searching news items in Google
Opinion mining, construction
for search
News feed using keywords
of analytical tables and graphs
Online Media Analysis for UnileverAnalysis Period: 01.09.2023 – 01.11.2023
Total news items founded in online media: 10
Rating of Tonalities on Domains
Tonality Percentages
Online Media Analysis for UnileverAnalysis Period: 01.01.2023 – 01.11.2023
Total posts — 25
Total posts — 1
News Monitor: How to AccessProvide the Project Manager with a list
of users for access in PDF format.
The document should be signed
and certified by the company seal.
In the document, specify the required
access periods for each employee.
Get the necessary access to the platform
(login and password) for employees from
the Project Manager in PDF format.
Terms And Costs of DeploymentSystem cost
Installation timeframe
$ 80 000 per 1 year
2 weeks
Get in Touch!Contact Details
Customer Service:
Project Manager:
Evgenia Sitnikova
+7 (985) 500-61-05