Category: englishenglish

Types of transformation. Transformations. Lecture 15


Lecture 15
Lecturer: Kasimova A.N.


■ TRANSLATION TRANSFORMATIONS (grammatical transformations,
lexical (semantic) transformations, complex (lexical and grammatical).


To translate a form with different
alphabets from one language to
another, a translator either copies
the form with the letters of the
original language or changes it by
making changes.
Copying words from the original
language includes:
■ transcription or copying the sound
form of the word in the original
language using the letters of the
translated language:
eau de cologne – odekolon, Anchorage –
Ankorij; Oakland – Oklend, Buxoro Bukhara, Xorazm - Khorezm, Xiva - Khiva .
■ transliteration or transfer of letters of
the original language with letters of
the translation language in another
London – London, Washington –


According to V. Komissarov, calque is defined as the mechanical copying of the
translation of a specific word:
extralinguistic –ekstralingvistik – экстралингвистический
smart automobile – aqlli avtomashina – умный(смарт) автомобиль
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) – OITS (Orttirilgan Immune Tanqislik
Sindromi) - СПИД (синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита).
In some cases, the type of spelling can confuse the translator in making the correct
translation and result in an inadequate translation:
high school – o‘rta maktab (oliy maktab emas) - средняя школа; restroom – xojatxona
(dam olish xonasi emas) - убоная; oromgoh – resort (dam olish uyi emas) - курорт.


Translation transformations - completely change the
appearance of a translated word, phrase or sentence. In the
theory of foreign translation, transformations are called
translation changes. Translation transformations fall into three
■ grammatical transformations,
■ lexical (semantic) transformations,
■ complex (lexical and grammatical) transformations.


Grammatical transformations
■ Grammatical transformations are
morphological or syntactic changes
in translated units. They are divided
into the following types:
Grammatical substitution (substitution)
is a change of the grammatical
category of the translated unit. The
passive relative sentence can be
translated by replacing the definite
relative verb:
- Martin Heidegger is generally regarded
as one of the most influential founders of
asoschilaridan biri hisoblanadi.
- Мартина Хайдеггера обычно считают
основоположников экзистенциализма.


The reason why this transformation is
used in this sentence is that in English,
passive voice is used more in speech;
in Uzbek or Russian, this case is
characteristic of the formal style.
In some sentences, nouns can be
plural, singular, or vice versa:
Her hair is fair and wavy.
Uning sochlari och va jingalak
Волосы у нее светлые и волнистые
This transformation is related to the
structural difference between English
and Uzbek, English and Russian
languages: in English, the analyzed
noun is singularia tantum, in Uzbek it is
used in the plural.
English and Russian languages: in
English, the analyzed noun is singularia
Tantum, in Russian it is used in the
singular too.


■ Clauses can be changed together with clauses He is a poor swimmer. – U yomon
suzadi (U yaxshi suzolmaydi) –Он плохо плавает (Он плохой плавец)
here the noun is replaced by a verb; at the same time, the predicative is replaced by a
simple verb predicate. The reason for this transformation can be explained by the
possibilities of using the language: in English, the situation is expressed by a noun, and
in Uzbek or in Russian it can be expressed by a verb.
Changing the word order. The reason for using this transformation is that English and
Uzbek sentences have different information structures and the functional concept of
the sentence is also different. However, in Russian structures and the functional
concept of the sentence is relatively the same in some cases.
- A new press conference was held in Washington yesterday
–Kecha Vashingtonda yangi press-konferentsiya bo‘lib o‘tdi.
-Вчера в Вашингтоне состоялась новая пресс-конференция


Splitting the sentence into parts - replacing a simple sentence in the original text with a
complex sentence for semantic or stylistic reasons or a complex sentence with several
independent sentences:
I want you to undestand this question.. My car wouldn’t start. Therefore, I couldn’t pick
you up.
Siz bu muammoni tushunishingizni xoxlayman. Mening mashinam yurmadi, shuning
uchun kelib sizni olib ketolmadim.
Послушайте, моя машина не завелась. Поэтому я не смог приехать и забрать вас.


■ Sentence integration is an opposite
transformation. It happens when we
make one sentence out of two or
more sentences or turn a complex
sentence into a simple one: If one
knows languages, one can come
out on top.
If one knows languages, one can come
out on top.
Til bilganga tole yor.
Если человек знает языки, он может
добится успеха.
■ In ancient Rome, garlic was
believed to make people
courageous. Roman soldiers,
therefore, ate large quantities of it
before a battle.


Grammatical compensation
■ Grammatical compensation changing the grammatical category
with other grammatical means.
Compensation occurs when a
grammatical category or form does
not exist in the original language,
and therefore cannot have the
same effect on the original text
■ A sentence with an incorrectly used
pronoun form in English can be shown by
translating it into Uzbek. Since it is
impossible to make a similar mistake
when using a pronoun in Uzbek, it is
replaced by an incorrect conjunction:
“Bir oz kibrni olib qo‘ying”, — deb g‘imirladi.
"Kimdan?" - deb so‘radi Barbara, "kim" deb
aytishi kerakligini juda yaxshi bilgan holda.


Lexical-semantic transformations
■ Transformation is any change of the
source text at any level of the
language (syntactic, semantic,
lexical) during translation.
■ Lexical transformations change the
semantic core of the translated
word, they can be divided into the
following groups:
1. Lexical replacement, or replacing
one word with another. This is often due
to the different semantic structures of
the source language and target
language words: it can be of several


Replacement of specification or broader meaning words with narrow meaning words:
Will you do the room? - Xonani tozalaysizmi, (Вы) уберётесь дома?
The English words given in this example have different meanings and their specific
semantics from the context than the Uzbek language.
Generalization or replacing words with a narrow meaning with words with a wider meaning:
People don't like to be stared at. Odamlarga qarashni yoqtirishmaydi. Люди не любят,
когда на них смотрят.
If we compare the semantic structure of English and Uzbek verbs, we find that the English
verb stare means the act of “to look without taking one's eyes off”, which is expressed
ko‘rish/qarash by means of the Uzbek verb.


Logical development of the
concept expressed by the word
But outside it was raining.
Ammo koʻchada yomg‘ir
yog‘ayotgan edi.
The primary equivalent meaning
of Outside is tashqarida.
Through a simple logical search, the
translator finds another equivalent: on
the street. Thus, the translator takes
into account the appropriateness of
the word combination in the sentence
and the logically acceptable option of
the combination. It is observed that
the meanings of words based on two
concepts are expressed through the
metonymic tool.


Compensation is the purposeful
introduction of some additional
element into the original text to
compensate for the loss of a similar
element in the source text.
The main reason for this change is the
existence of a lacuna problem in the
translation language.
For example,
one of Galsworthy's characters was
called a leopardess. But English does
not have a single-word equivalent to
give the same stylistic coloring.
Therefore, the translator used the word
mother tiger (ona yo’lbars)/(матьтигрица) to describe the lady and
covered the word.


metaphorical changes
Metaphorical changes are based on the transfer of meaning due to the similarity of
concepts. Original language is re-metaphorizing a word or phrase using the same
Don’t dirty your hands with that money! (Bu pul bilan qoʻlingizni iflos qilmang!/ Не
пачкайте руки этими деньгами!).
Or, on the contrary, the original text is expressed stylistically with the help of a metaphor,
or its color has been lost for some reason, or simply by compensating (changing) a
lacuna in the original language.
U yangi hayot boshlashga qaror qildi. - He decided to turn over a new life.- Он решил
начать новую жизнь.


Transformations also belong to the
■ Explanatory (explication) translation, that
lexical (semantic) and grammatical
is, converting the meaning into another
level and include the following methods
structure so that the receiver can better
in terms of structure and meaning.
understand the phrase. Sometimes this
change is called explication, which is
I have a nine-to-five job.
described as a way of making the
information hidden in the source text clear
Men 9 dan 5 gacha ishlayman.
in the original text.
У меня работа с девяти до пяти.
■ This transformation is often accompanied
by the expansion of the device, the
addition of new elements.


2. omission (implication) is the
rejection of redundant and
communicatively irrelevant words:
Elvis Presley denied being lewd and
Elvis Presli behayo va odobsizligini rad
Элвис Пресли отрицал, что вел себя
развратно и непристойно.
expresses the concept with a
sentence, the translation uses
the method of omitting the
language to express this concept
in one word: conservationists.
The English language has a
general approach short phrases


■ - nonbudget sources - byudjetdan tashqari manbalar,
небюджетные источники
■ - the Project control - Loyiha nazorati, контроль проекта
Integral transformation - replacement of a phrase, fixed
combinations with another cliché with the same speech function:
How do you do! – Assalomu alaykum! Здраствуйте!
Help yourself. – Marhamat, oling. Угощайтесь.


antonymic translation
■ Antonymic translation is a description of the situation from the opposite side by the
language. This transformation can also occur when changing the negation modality
of the sentence
She is not unworthy of your attention.
– U sizning e'tiboringizga loyiqdir.
Она достойна вашего внимания.
I don’t think I can do it. – Menimcha buni qilolmayman Я думаю, что не смогу это
it is the result of linguistic traditions specific to one or another language


metonymic translation
■ Metonymic translation is the transfer of meaning and device based on the
coherence of the forms and meanings of the original and translation languages:
The last twenty years has seen many advances in our linguistic knowledge.
Oxirgi yigirma yil ichida tilshunoslik olamida (fanida) koʻplab yutuqlar kuzatildi.
За последние двадцать лет мы достигли значительных успехов в развитии (в мире
лингвистики, в истории лингвистики) лингвистических знаний.


complex compensation
■ Complex compensation is the
replacement of a word or device
with another, the exact equivalent of
a word or phrase in the original
language cannot have the same
effect on the receptor as a word or
phrase in the original language.
Often puns (puns), riddles, tongue
twisters, sayings are compensated.
■ Their food, clothing and wages were
less bad than they had been.
■ Endi ularning oziq-ovqatlari, kiyimkechaklari va ish haqi oldingi
vaqtga qaraqanda yomon emas edi.
■ Их питание, одежда и зарплата
были не такими плохими, как
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