Category: psychologypsychology

Problems with friendship


Problems with friendship.
Grosheva Irina 6A


Problems with friendship.
Most kids have problems with friendships from time to
time so if you feel sad about this remember - lots of
kids feel the same. If you are feeling left out and sad a
lot of the time, tell mum or dad or your teacher and
ask them to help you.


No-one wants to play with me today
Sometimes the friend you usually play with wants to
play with someone else. This is ok. It is normal for
people to want a change, but you might feel a bit sad
or upset.
●Maybe your friend wants to join in a game or try his or
her skills with others.


No-one wants to play with me today
Maybe you hurt his feelings and he can't talk to you about
it because he doesn't know how to begin.
●Maybe he could be feeling tired or ill and just wants to be


What can you do?
Try asking your friend, nicely, if you have upset him at
●Ask if she would like to talk about anything.
●If he still wants to play without you then say that's ok.
But tell your friend where you will be.


What can you do?
Look for other people in your class and go and
stand near them.
●If they are playing a game, watch for a while
and then see if you could join in.


What if no one wants to play with you any
Maybe you find it hard to make friends.
●Maybe you are a very shy, quiet person.
●Maybe you don't know how to make it easy for
others to be friends with you.


Be positive - don't think that you will never have another
friend. There are heaps of people out there just wanting to
make new friends but you have to get out there and find


Thanks for your attention!!!
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