What`s a Thank-you Letter?
Thank-you Letter Layout:
Thank-you Letter Layout:
The sample thank-you letter:
What`s a Request Letter?
The sample request letter:
What`s a Letter of Confirmation?
The letter of confirmation should contain:
The sample letter of confirmation:
What`s a letter of congratulations?
There are three essential elements:
What`s a letter of invitation?
The invitation must:
It should include:
Do the test 4:
Do the test 5:
List of literature:
Thank you for your attention!!!
Category: businessbusiness

Business letters: thank-you letters, request letters, letters of confirmation, letters of congratulations


Business letters: thank-you
letters, request letters, letters
of confirmation, letters of
congratulations, letters of



Thank-you letters:
What`s a Thank-you Letter?
Thank-you Letter Layout
The sample thank-you letter

4. What`s a Thank-you Letter?

A thank-you letter can help you stand out from the other
It should be sent before the hiring decision has been
It is your opportunity to say any important information
you did not discuss during the interview;
There are some situations that require a thank-you letter
after an employment interview: when someone gives
you job search assistance and after a company visit or
other career exploration activity.

5. Thank-you Letter Layout:

1) Your address (not your name);
2) Date;
3) Name and address you are writing to;
4) Greeting;

6. Thank-you Letter Layout:

5) 3 paragraphs:
- First paragraph is for thanking the interviewer for taking the
time to meet with you, for mentioning the date and reminding
of the position which you were interviewed;
- Second paragraph is for restating your interest in the position,
emphasizing your strengths, skills, accomplishments and
slanting them from the point of view of your employer;
- Third paragraph is for thanking once again the employer for
the time and consideration, closing with a suggestion for
further action and saying that you will give a phone call in a
few days, providing your a phone number and hours you can
be reached;
6) Closing

7. The sample thank-you letter:

Dear Mr Wilson:
Thank you for allowing me to discuss my travel
qualifications in person.
Having met you, I sincerely hope I will have the
chance to put my training to work for you.
Thank you again for your time and consideration.
I look forward to hearing from your.
Sincerely yours,
James Lane.


Request letters:
What`s a Request Letter?
The sample request letter

9. What`s a Request Letter?

The request letter is for obtaining information,
making reservations,(at hotels, restaurants,
theatres), asking for special favours
(permission, assistance, financial support,
appointment), receiving booklets, catalogues,
price lists, sample products) etc;
Tact and courtesy are essential if you want
your reader to act with you;
All the request letters should be specific and
reasonable, providing complete and accurate

10. The sample request letter:

Dear Mr Brown:
I am writing with regard to your advertisement
in «The Guardian» of 10th February.
I would be grateful if you could send me further
information about the «Study & Work
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours,
Karen Lee.


Letters of
What`s a Letter of confirmation?
The sample letter of confirmation

12. What`s a Letter of Confirmation?

Always respond to correspondence if
you don`t want to lose a useful contact;
Such letter effectively transmits clear,
correct and complete information,
especially when it is required to make a
large numbers of confirmations;

13. The letter of confirmation should contain:

1. Reference to the previous contact;
2. The reason for writing;
3. The matter of this contact
(requesting, agreeing to a request,
apologizing, giving news, etc);
4. Reference to future contacts.

14. The sample letter of confirmation:

Dear Mr Barrel:
This letter will confirm your reservation
for a single room with bath for August
Sincerely yours,
Albert Clair.


Letters of
What`s a Letter of congratulations?

16. What`s a letter of congratulations?

The occasions for congratulatory
messages are:
- promotions;
- appointments;
- awards;
- honours;
- marriages;
- births;
- anniversaries;
- retirements;

17. There are three essential elements:

1. an expression of congratulations;
2. the reason for congratulating from
a person point of view;
3. an expression of goodwil;


Letters of invitation:
What`s a Letter of invitation?

19. What`s a letter of invitation?

Formal events, such as :
- receptions:
- banquets;
- and other social gathering require formal
A general invitation should be cordial and
sincere , designed as a usual letter and
written in the third person.

20. The invitation must:

1. invite the reader to the gathering;
2. explain the reason for the
3. give the date, time and place of
the gathering;

21. It should include:

a RSVP notation that asks the reader
to respond.
It means: «Please let us know if you
plan to attend».

22. Do the test 4:

True or false
1. A thank-you-letter should be sent after the interview.
2. To be effective a thank-you-letter is better to send after the hiring
decision was made.
3. In the first paragraph you are to thank the interviewer for taking
time to meet with you.
4. In the third paragraph you needn`t prove your phone number and
the hours you can be reached.
5. In a thank-you-letter you must remind of the position for which you
were interviewed.
6. One of the reason to write a request letter can be making
reservations at hotels, restaurants, theatres, etc.
7. All request letters should not be brief and reasonable.
8. If you want to obtain information you should write a request letter.
9. Only a businessman can write request letters.
10. A request letter must contain complete and accurate information.

23. Do the test 5:

True or false
1. You must write a letter of conformation if you don`t want to lose a useful
2. You needn`t write letters of conformation - you can only make a call.
3. The letters of conformation should not have reference to the previous contact.
4. The word «apologize» means to say that you are sorry for doing something
5. A letter of congratulation usually has four essential elements.
6. One of the occasions for congratulatory messages is achievements.
7. Even if the letter of congratulation is short it shouldn`t contain personal
8. A formal invitation is less personal and written in the third person.
9, Every letter of invitation must explain the reason for the meeting.
10. Never write in the letters of invitation the date, time and place of the
11.RSVP means: asking the reader to inform if the guests plan to come.

24. List of literature:

Вводный курс
делового письма.
10-11 кл.: учебн.
Т.О. Догаева.
– М.: Дрофа,
2005. – 91, I5I c.
– (Элективные

25. Thank you for your attention!!!

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