Category: astronomyastronomy

Yuri Gagarin


Yuri Gagarin
was a Soviet pilot and cosmonaut who, aboard the first successful crewed
spaceflight, became the first human to journey into outer space.


Early life
Gagarin was born 9 March 1934 in
the village of Klushino, in the
Smolensk Oblast of the Russian
Soviet Federative Socialist Republic,
near Gzhatsk (renamed Gagarin in
1968 after his death).His parents
worked on a sovkhoz—Aleksey
Ivanovich Gagarin as a carpenter and
Anna Timofeyevna Gagarina as a
dairy farmer.


Gagarin was a
foundryman at a steel
plant in Lyubertsy in
his youth. He later
joined the Soviet Air
Forces as a pilot and
was stationed at the
Luostari Air Base,
near the Norway–
Soviet Union border,
before his selection for
the Soviet space
programme alongside
five other


• Travelling on Vostok 1, Gagarin completed one orbit of Earth
on 12 April 1961, with his flight taking 108 minutes


The first flight into space aroused great interest throughout the
world, and Yuri Gagarin himself became a world celebrity. At
the invitation of foreign governments and public organizations,
he visited about 30 countries.


By achieving this
major milestone
for the Soviet
Union amidst
the Space Race, he
became an
celebrity and was
awarded many
medals and titles,
including the
nation's highest
distinction: Hero
of the Soviet


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