Category: englishenglish

Healthy sleep


Healthy sleep


Healthy sleep is the key to health and success in your career, and its
absence is a sure guarantee of reduced working capacity and the
occurrence of various diseases.


Sleep is a certain physiological state, the need for which arises in a
person on a regular basis. This condition is characterized by a relative
lack of consciousness and activity of skeletal muscles
Sleep is a significant and important
part of every person's life. During
sleep, our body must recover
psychologically and physically, stock
up on strength and energy for a new
working day.


Healthy sleep requires 6-10 hours, and 8 hours of sleep
is considered ideal. Each person has individual sleep
needs, and it is necessary to determine the optimal time
for yourself for which you get enough sleep, and
provide conditions for a healthy, full sleep.
Therefore, it is
important that
everyone provides
themselves with a full
and healthy sleep
every night


Thank you for
your attention
made by Alex Korzh
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