Category: historyhistory

Ramses II was not next in line to the throne


Ramses II was not next in line to the throne.
He was the second son of Pharaoh Seti I and
Queen Tuya. His older brother, who was first
in line to the throne, died an unnatural death
at age 14. After this, Ramses was declared
heir and at the age of 25 he became pharaoh.


The mummy of Ramses II shows
that he had an athletic build. He
died at the age of 90 and was
buried in the Valley of the Kings.
His tomb was impressive to protect
his mummy from thieves. The
mummy was later moved to a
museum in Cairo. He had sharp
features, a strong jaw, a sharp nose
and red hair. Historians claim that
he had a tall and muscular
physique, which is visible in his
statues at Abu Simbel.


In the second year of his reign,
Sherden got rid of sea pirates who
threatened maritime businesses
and ancient Egyptian traders.
Through his strategic plan, he
ended the rule of pirates at sea and
became more popular among his


Ramses II may have been the
powerful pharaoh mentioned in the
Bible as he was known for his power
and influence and for holding 14 Hebsed festivals during his reign, making
him a revered figure among the
people. The Bible says that Moses
turned to Pharaoh with a request to
free the people of Israel.


Ramses II of the 19th dynasty of
Ancient Egypt was one of the first
to sign a peace treaty - the oldest
recorded peace treaty in the world.
He did this after the Battle of
Kadesh to end the conflict. The
details of the treaty are unknown,
but it is assumed that it guaranteed
the inviolability of Egyptian
territories and respect for Egypt by
the Hittites.


Ramses II, who ruled Egypt. He is
one of the most famous and
powerful pharaohs. His reign was
marked by the construction of many
monuments, including Abu Simbel.
He also became famous for his
achievements in the Battle of
Kadesh and made Egypt a
prosperous and influential state.
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