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How technology change our live


change our


Come here Watson, I need to see you.” These were the first words that Alexander
Graham Bell uttered over his revolutionary invention back in 1876, and it's fair to say
that the trusty telephone has had a good run. Bell originally dreamed that there would
be ‘one in every town’. He was right of course — in fact, these days, there’s one in every
person’s pocket. However, technology has seen the traditional audio call being edged
out in favor of messaging and social media as a way of touching base.
Another medium that has seen a boom in the last few years is video calling. It’s nothing
particularly new – the concept has been around for about as long as Bell’s telephone –
but the revolution of high-speed broadband at affordable prices means that it’s now
easy to send and receive the amounts of data needed for a video call.
While video calling has spent the last decade slowly creeping into daily life, it’s the
ongoing pandemic that has pushed it over the edge and secured its future as an
everyday way to stay in touch.
Thanks to lockdowns and social distancing, families and friends are meeting up and
socializing via video call more than ever before.
If you hadn’t heard of Zoom before 2020, you will have certainly become aware of it by
now, and while there are plenty of other video conferencing apps out there, it’s Zoom
that has emerged as the poster child for video chat in the public consciousness. In
2023, some estimates suggest Zoom still has well over 800 million unique global
visitors a month.
In the post-pandemic world, more of us are working from home than ever. Many inperson meetings have been replaced with video conferencing as office staff swapping
the boardroom for the bedroom (or wherever else they can find space to work at home)
in droves. Now, based on data from mid-2022, Mckinsey estimates 35% of Americans
can work from home full time.
While Zoom is a great tool for catching up with buddies, can it do the job of supporting
your business through the pandemic? We’ve evaluated several high-profile video
conferencing systems and can help you find the right one for your company in minutes


AI Changing The Way We Work
If someone had told you just a few years ago that very soon, you'd have access to a free AI tool that could
help you with all of your tasks, you might not have believed them. But in 2023, millions of people are now
using ChatGPT, Bard, and other generative AI tools for all sorts of tasks in their personal and work lives.
Although it was only launched back in November
2022, ChatGPT has already had a transformative
impact on the lives of students and businesspeople
alike, making their lives easier by quickly and
accurately answering questions relating to their
The AI revolution really is here. ChatGPT has been helping people with jobs like writing recipes, creating
job resumes, crafting essays and poems, summarizing historical events, composing emails, creating
spreadsheets, and even filing their tax returns. Others have used it to get free legal advice or plan their
The ChatGPT website is currently generating around 1.8 billion visits a month, and a recent Tech.co survey
found that almost half (47%) of business leaders are considering using AI instead of hiring new members
of staff. Some experts even say that soon, large companies will have “50 different AI tools” in operation.
Be mindful that although ChatGPT is useful and has already had a significant impact on the lives of
millions of people, you can't – and shouldn't – use it for every single essay, report, or task in your day-today life.
Although using ChatGPT isn't technically plagiarism – after all, you're not copying someone else's work –
many universities and schools now consider it to be cheating. Some teachers have said their students
can use it, while others have banned it completely. It's also not perfect, and it's certainly not a geniue – AI
tools often get things wrong, and you should always double-check the responses you receive from them.


Accessible Shopping
As we’ve mentioned, shopping has found a convenient and popular home online, but that’s not to say the high street is to be
ignored – after all, you can’t really beat seeing a product in the flesh before you buy it, and you can’t eat out online just yet
(you can order a delivery, but that’s not quite the same).
Technology hasn’t bypassed physical shopping either. Thanks to contactless cards and phone payments, we don’t need to worry about handing over cash or
keying in a pin number – just tap to pay, and you’re done
Of course, you don’t need to leave the house to shop. With the vast majority of us owning a tablet,
laptop or smartphone, we’ve all got easy access to a virtual shop front right in front of us, where
we can buy pretty much anything we want.
Technology has also democratized retail. It used to be the case that you needed
a physical presence to start your own shop – now all you need is a computer
and an idea.
Sharing your wares with the world is easier than ever. This is
thanks to the simplicity of website builders – tools that can
help you create professional-looking websites in minutes, then
sell your products or services


Better Information Access
Today, if you want to find something out, it’s no more strenuous than a couple of clicks. For many of us, we don’t even need to
move from the spot – simply pull out your phone and get Googling, or even ask your smart home assistant.
It may seem like a distant memory, but it wasn’t so long ago that you’d have to take a trip to the library to find out more indepth information about a subject if it was available at all. Now, due to these advances in technology, you can find hundreds of
thousands of web pages dedicated to pretty much anything you can dream of, from “crochet patterns” (Google gives 129,000,000
results) to “Roman history” (1,360,000,000 results).
It’s something of a cliche, but there is literally an app for anything, and they’ve rendered a lot of other mediums all
but obsolete for many of us. Take GPS, for example – if you want to know how to get somewhere, it’s simply a case
of pulling up an app like Google Maps and choosing the best route, which will come complete with directions, as
well as satellite imaging. There are even apps for businesses that automatically route vehicles alongside traffic,
weather, safety and legal information. App technology has also made learning, dating, dining, and almost anything
else you can think of a lot easier for us.
Not to be overlooked either are the actual devices that all these apps run on. The rise of the
smartphone has been exponential over the last decade, and daily web searches on mobile
devicesnow outnumber those on laptop or desktop computers. Improvements continue to be
made to handheld devices, each and every year, without fail.
The mobile phone is now considered an essential device for almost everyone,
vastly superseding its original use as a telephone (to actually talk to people) and
becoming our pocket-sized portal to an online world.


2020 will be remembered for a lot of negative reasons, but one of its most defining positives has been the widespread
acceptance of working from home. With the pandemic in full swing, many had to abandon their offices and log on from their
own residences.
At its peak, 42% of Americans were working from home, according to one study. The trend has continued longer after the
pandemic too, with large companies such as Twitter and Microsoft already stating that their staff can work from home
The CIPD's 2023 report on flexible working found that 40% of organizations reported an increase in requests for flexible
working arrangements in 2023. Two-thirds (66%) of organizations said it was important to them to offer this perk when
advertising for new roles, up from 56% in 2021.
For many, working from home has been something of a revelation – no commuting, more flexible hours, a lessened
environmental impact, and being able to choose where they work. All this is made possible thanks to technological
advancements, yet again – as well as a whole host of companies offering remote work.


Smarter Health
Another trend in technology has been the rise of fitness devices. While we’ve been
using tech to help us stay trim for many years now, we’ve never before been able to
do it to such a scientific degree, with instant feedback and recommendations from
devices that can monitor our workouts as we complete them.
If you want to know how invested we are in the fitness tech market, look no further
than Apple, whose Apple Watch is heavily advertised as a fitness device.
In 2022, Apple surpassed 50 million Apple Watch sales for the first time – far
surpassing the likes of traditional brands like Rolex and Omega.
So what can a fitness watch actually do? We’re far beyond the days when your
“sports watch” could merely record your lap time. We now have the ability to monitor
our heartbeats and blood pressure, track and monitor exercise plans, and even
monitor our sleeping patterns.
If you’re looking to buy one this year, Tech.co has reviewed and compared some of
the best fitness watches out there – including FitBit, Apple Watch, and Garmin
Forerunner – to find the best for features and budget.


Conclusion: The Impact of Technology
So, there we have it — eight dramatic
ways that technology has impacted our
daily lives for good. Of course,
technology never takes a rest, and you
can bet that it won’t be long before
some of the devices and services we’ve
covered here are superseded — in many
cases, their next iteration is already
being worked on in a lab somewhere.
Regardless, there’s no denying that
technology has, and will continue to,
have a huge impact on our lives, in one
way or another.
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