Category: englishenglish

Tipes of letters


1. Contractions (didn’t, isn’t)
2. Idioms “under the weather”
3. Phrasal Verbs (find out, go up)
4. Imperatives ( Send it soon)
5. Active voice
6. Short simple sentences
7. Abbreviations
8. Non-Latin words ( smart)
9. Informal linkers (but, so, and)
1. No contractions.
2. No idioms “be unwell”
3. No phrasal Verbs (discover, increase)
4. No imperatives ( You may send it in your
earliest convenience)
5. Passive Voice
6. Long complex sentences
7. No abbreviations
8. Latin-based words (intelligent)
9. Formal linkers (however, therefore)


Thank you for your letter received 14 September 2022. A
copy has been sent to company headquarters in addition
to a memorandum concerning your financial situation. A
meeting has been scheduled for 3 October 2022 at 11 am
to discuss your request for a further bank loan. Therefore
please inform us of your availability for this meeting at the
earliest opportunity.
Set, another, Thanks, along with, as soon as possible, HQ, got,
note about, to talk about, So, let us know, have sent


Thanks for your letter. I got it 14
Sept. I’ve sent a copy to comp. HQ
along with a note about your
financial situation. I’ve set a meeting
for 3 Oct. at 11 am to talk about
another bank loan. So, please let us
know if you can make it a.s.a.p. (as
soon as possible).


Hi Barry,
Paul phoned and wanted to speak to you
but you weren’t at your desk. Can you call
him back? He says it’s urgent.


SMS English
ASAP – as soon as possible
CUL – see you later
J4F – just for fun
IMHO – in my humble opinion
PBB – parents behind back
LOL – laughing out loud
TGIF – thanks God it’s Friday
TTYL – talk to you later
Домашняя работа: ознакомиться и выучить требования к оформлению
неофициального письма на английском языке. Написать неформальное
письмо родственникам о происшествии и подчеркнуть все признаки
неформального письма.
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