Export Control Regulations in the United Arab Emirates: Comparative Analysis with The United Kingdom
Export Control Regulations in the United Arab Emirates: Comparative Analysis with The United Kingdom
The UAE General Export law
The UK General Export Law
General Analysis
The UAE Federal Law No.2 with 2010 Amendments
The UK Council Directive 86/653/EEC
Laws’ Analysis
Recommendations for the UAE
Recommendations for the UK

Export Control Regulations in The United Arab Emirates. Comparative Analysis with The United Kingdom

1. Export Control Regulations in the United Arab Emirates: Comparative Analysis with The United Kingdom

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2. Export Control Regulations in the United Arab Emirates: Comparative Analysis with The United Kingdom

Export is a pivotal aspect of any national economy
This perspective needs investigation, especially in
terms of legislation and control regulation
One of the most peculiar regulative systems are in
the UAE and the UK
They have to be compared
Standardization, requirements, and the basic laws
are included in the following comparative analysis

3. The UAE General Export law

The majority of items are calculated on CIF
Customs does not usually exceed 5%
There is a major limitation for entering Saudi
Arabia markets since it is the nearest competitor
of the UAE’s economy
Considerable restrictions on pork, tobacco,
alcohol, and weaponry
Limitations are underpinned by religious and
cultural concerns in the United Arab Emirates

4. The UK General Export Law

Requirements to high standardization
Export is regulated by the UK as well as European Union
ISOs are also a part of EU standards as integration of ISO
and custom EU standards
Flexible policies regarding non-EU countries since the
United Kingdom is WTO member
Different items have to meet various requirements,
especially weaponry, alcohol, and tobacco goods

5. General Analysis

The UAE has a more stable custom duty
It is an evident benefit since the majority of national
businesses are privately owned
The UK depends heavily on EU standards and WTO
Communication between partners more difficult even
though it is standardized
Hence, the United Kingdom is more standard-driven
As a consequence, both countries should learn from each
other in terms of the related gaps

6. The UAE Federal Law No.2 with 2010 Amendments

For export as well as import, a particular organization is
required to be assigned to a national sponsor, agent, or
Initially, this law was referred to non-food products from
free economic zone
In 2010, certain improvements of Commercial Agency Law
had been made
Termination and related procedures are specifically
The Commercial Agencies Committee has an official
jurisdiction over the related disputes

7. The UK Council Directive 86/653/EEC

Exporting regulations and requirements to the distribution
agencies are supposed to comply with national and
European Union Laws
The main regulative law is Council Directive 86/653/EEC,
which establishes minimum of basic standards
By the same token, rights, obligation, and solutions of
specific cases are outlined by this law
Termination is related to the same law

8. Laws’ Analysis

Both countries utilize agency-based export and distribution
In fact, it is an essential aspect as long as smuggling still
depreciates the national economy
The UAE export regulations are stricter
It is quite natural for the value of free trading zone
The United Kingdom controls export profoundly and
That renders a better value to the UK markets and related
items to be exported

9. Recommendations for the UAE

Less strict requirements to the food products as this sector is
a potential basis for the related industries so that the UAE
will obtain significant business opportunities
On the contrary, trading free zone should be rendered more
That will cause foreign partners to make bigger trade
inquiries from the UAE while free zone attracts foreign
Limitations to the Saudi markets can become redundant
The UAE should create competitive industries in order to
make exported products more valuable for markets in Saudi

10. Recommendations for the UK

Less EU regulations
The United Kingdom should seek for the ways of
independent development
Regulations for EU and non-EU exports should make a
considerable difference
Communication on the governmental level between the UK
and foreign partners, especially in terms of WTO in order
simplify the standardized trading communication

11. Conclusion

Export is a pivotal aspect of the national economy of any
country; thus, it needs to be investigated
Comparison of the UAE and the UK export regulations has
revealed the following points
The UAE puts strict regulations in regard to Saudi markets
and religion-related items
The rest of the policies are justified even though they still
can be improved
The UK is more flexible but depends heavily on European
standards and WTO relationships so that it is transformed
into a benefit
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